

I am lying in my bed and looking out the open window like at a screen. In the lower third I see the tips of the trees and it’s full of green, yellow and red. In the other two thirds, I see the sky full of fluffy white clouds. 

When the wind is blowing, the green dances in the blue background and the clouds keep going by unaffected. I stay still and watch the tri-dimensional live screen and I see my thoughts crawling in the green lower area like the subtitles of a Martian movie. 

In the distance, I see some floating eagles. Now and then a hummingbird comes and goes in and out of the screen. 

Rarely, some yellow butterflies appear, which seem to fly from one cloud to another. The bees go slowly, land on the window sill and then fly away. Flies are the most chaotic. 

In the background, there is the sound of the wind and of the birds. 

I lie in my bed and I read my thoughts. 

They are thoughts about nothing. 

I can’t tell if I make them or I only receive them. 

The clouds went away and left behind traces of white lines. 

The green is still dancing and the blue is staying still. 

In the distance, the eagles are floating and the thoughts have frozen. 

It’s wonderful! 

We started packing. 

In a few weeks, we will leave Aldeia behind. 

Now I am lying in my bed and looking out the window…


Stau in pat si ma uit pe fereastra din fata cu geamurile larg deschise ca la un ecran. In treimea de jos se vad varfurile copacilor si este plin de nuante de verde, galben si roscat. 

In celelalte doua treimi se vede cerul cu nori presarati, pufosi si albi. 

Cand adie vantul, verdele danseaza pe fundalul albastrul iar norii curg linistiti si neafectati.

Stau nemiscat si ma uit la ecranul tridimensional si viu, si-mi vad gandurile cum curg in treimea de jos, pe verde, precum subtitrarea unui film martian.

In zare se vad niste vulturi ce plutesc. Din cand in cand un colibri apare pe ecran, sta o secunda si dispare. Rar, trec fluturi galbeni ce par ca sar din nor in nor. 

Albinele trec incet si se aseaza pe pervaz dupa care zboara iar. 

Mustele sunt cele mai haotice. 

Pe fundal se aude vantul si ciripitul pasarilor.

Stau in pat si-mi citesc gandurile. Sunt despre nimic. 

Nu-mi dau seama daca eu le produc sau doar le captez.

Norii s-au scurs si au lasat niste dare de alb. 

Verdele inca danseaza iar albastrul a ramas nemiscat. 

In zare, vulturii plutesc iar gandurile au inghetat. E minunat!

Ne-am apucat sa impachetam. In cateva saptamani o sa lasam Aldeia in urma.

Acum, stau in pat si ma uit pe fereastra…

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