They say friends are the family you choose. I think that this choice is a matter of conjuncture.
When you have little time and many friends, then you don’t allow enough time for your family. If you have quality time with your family then you have few friends.
Best friendships are spontaneous and unselfish.
Friends that we have nice memories of hold like an icon in our hearts, friends that we have bad memories about are like a stain of shit on the mirror you watch yourself in. There are cool friends with whom you don’t keep a tight relationship, but think of them often.
The same is true for uncool friends because all the memories are nice after all.
When you socialize, 95% of the talking is nonsense, silence, on the other hand, is golden.
The nicest thing is to talk with the kids, these are the truest and cool nonsense. Or the nuts, they are the most creative.
Tomorrow we leave and go further down the road. We are starting to get a little bored here and the weather doesn’t allow us to surf anymore.
When we left the country we longed for our friends the most.
Now I learnt to listen to the ocean, wind, trees, birds.
Se spune despre prieteni ca sunt familia pe care ti-o alegi. Eu am impresia ca este cam conjuncturala aceasta alegere.
Cand ai putin timp si multi prieteni, inseamna ca nu acorzi timp de calitate familiei.
Daca acorzi timp de calitate familiei, ai foarte putini prieteni.
Cele mai frumoase prietenii sunt cele intamplatoare si dezinteresate.
Prietenii cu care avem amintiri misto raman ca niste icoane in inima noastra, prietenii cu care avem amintiri naspa raman ca o pata de cacat pe oglinda in care te privesti.
Sunt prieteni misto cu care nu tii legatura dar te gandesti mereu la ei. In aceeasi masura te gandesti si la cei nasoi pentru ca toate amintirile sunt frumoase, pana la urma!
Cand socializezi, 95% din transferurile verbale sunt nonsensuri, tacerea in schimb este de aur. Cel mai distractiv este sa vorbesti cu copiii, spun cele mai adevarate si misto nonsensuri.
Sau cu nebunii, sunt cei mai creativi.
Maine o sa plecam spre mai incolo. Ne-am cam plictisit aici si vremea nu ne mai permite sa surfam.
Cand am plecat din tara cel mai mult am suferit dupa prieteni. Dupa noua ani am invatat sa ascult oceanul, vantul, copacii si pasarile.
In liniste.
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