27 May PRAIA DO SARGI – 25 MAY 2020 – ANA
Today we celebrated our little one, Ana.
Ana was born 9 years ago at the Daniel Matos maternity hospital in Coimbra, Portugal.
Ana has never been to school.
When we stayed in Peru, she was bored waiting for her friend to come back from kindergarten every day and she wanted to go too.
After three months, I withdrew her because she didn’t like it and she didn’t adapt. Although it was an alternative kindergarten based on a hybrid Waldorf-Inka ideology, it seemed strict and full of rules.
She always asks, why she has to speak in a low voice, why she can’t play when she wants to, why she can’t take the apple out of the basket and why she has to stand in line.
Ana likes to draw portraits with charcoal.
She was inspired by the great artist Aecio Sarti when we visited him in Paraty. She likes strawberries and cucumbers.
She likes to climb trees and her favorite animal is the rabbit.
When we lived in Aldeia, at Christmas we gave her a bicycle. She was upset because she didn’t get rabbits.
As a sign of protest, she completely ignored the bike, but instead, Aris enjoyed it.
On the first outing I did in town, I bought Ana a pair of rabbits.
Biscoito and Urucum stayed in Aldeia but Maya, her friend, often sends her pictures and videos.
One day Maya sent him a picture showing nothing, it was completely black and told her that Urucum had dug a hole in the ground and run away.
We all wondered what was wrong with the picture and we laughed when we found out that Maya had sent Ana the picture with the hole.
At the end of the day, I asked Ana if she liked her birthday.
Her response was “so and so.”
It seemed to her that it was just a day with a lot of sweets, and the children were allowed to do what they wanted.
She didn’t like the fact that a little girl came uninvited and asked me why this happened.
I didn’t know what to answer, probably some people only think about what they want, ignoring what the others want.
She fell asleep in Lavinia’s arms, talking.
Thank you, Ana, for choosing to come into our lives, we love you so much!
Other than that, nothing, all’s good…
Astazi am sarbatorit-o pe micuta noasta, Ana.
Ana s-a nascut acum 9 ani la maternitatea Daniel Matos din Coimbra, Portugalia.
Ana nu a fost niciodata la scoala. Cand am stat in Peru, se plictisea sa-si astepte prietena in fiecare zi sa se intoarca de la gradinita si a vrut sa mearga si ea.
Dupa trei luni am retras-o pentru ca nu i-a placut si nu se adapta.
Cu toate ca era o gradinita alternativa bazata pe o ideologie hibrid Waldorf-Inka, i s-a parut stricta si plina de reguli.
Intreba mereu, de ce trebuie sa vorbeasca incet, de ce nu poate sa se joace cand vrea, de ce nu-si poate lua marul din cos si de ce trebuie sa stea la coada.
Anei ii place sa deseneze portrete cu carbune. S-a inspirat de la marele artist Aecio Sarti cand l-am vizitat in Paraty.
Ii plac capsunile si castravetii.Ii place sa se urce in copaci iar animalul ei preferat este iepurele.
Cand am locuit in Aldeia, de Craciun i-am luat o bicicleta. S-a suparat pentru ca nu a primit iepuri. In semn de protest a ignorat bicicleta total, dar in schimb s-a bucurat Aris de ea.
La prima iesire pe care am facut-o in oras, i-am cumparat Anei o pereche de urecheati. Biscoito si Urucum au ramas in Aldeia dar Maya, prietena ei, ii trimite des poze si filmulete.
Intr-o zi Maya i-a trimis o poza in care nu se vedea nimic, era total neagra si i-a povestit ca Urucum a sapat o groapa si a fugit. Ne-am intrebat cu totii ce era cu poza nedeslusita si ne-am prapadit de ras cand am aflat ca Maya i-a trimis Anei poza cu gaura.
La sfarsitul zilei, am intrebat-o pe Ana daca i-a placut ziua ei.
Raspunsul ei a fost “asa si asa”.
I s-a parut ca a fost doar o zi cu mult dulce, in care copiii au fost lasati in pace sa faca ce vor ei.
Nu i-a placut ca a venit o fetita pe care nu a invitat-o si m-a intrebat de ce s-a intamplat asta.
Nu am stiut ce raspuns sa-i dau, probabil ca unii nu se gandesc decat la ce-si doresc ei ignorand ce si-ar dori si cel de langa ei.
A adormit in bratele Laviniei, povestind. Iti multumim Ana pentru ca ai ales sa vii in viata noastra, te iubim!
In rest, nimic, toate bune…
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