16 Feb ZIMBROS – 15 FEBRUARY 2018 – Communism, Church and Authority
I was born in Bucharest, Romania, in the central area affected by the greatest earthquake in the history of the country.
Shaky times for the people where not only the earth moved, their consciousness was under turmoil too, waiting in line to get a rationalized bread.
The rebuilding of the house I was born in took a few years, a time when my parents demolished themselves. They are up to today “under construction”, but standing.
Mom is from Bucharest and Dad is from Ploiesti, the summer vacation of my childhood years were all the same: 2 weeks in Mamaia at the seaside, 2 weeks in Sinaia at the mountains, 2 weeks visiting relatives in Brasov and Fagaras, 2 weeks home downtown and 1 month at my grandparents’ in the center of Ploiesti.
Trips outside the country’s borders were forbidden in the Communist era so everybody was circling in a big bubble, a sort of “staycation” nowadays.
Ceausescu, the dictator, was an atheist. He was amused by the faith of his people and brought down churches frequently just to prove his supremacy as a leader.
On the contrary, it happened a group polarization and people’s faith only grew stronger.
What happened after the end of the Communism I would call free style skating with money when nobody knew to skate.
Faith went back to its institutionalized power and legitimately frees souls, for the future. The impersonality of peace and freedom transmitted by the religion I was born in, could have been revolutionary for those times, but now, in 2018, I find it outdated. I think that 2000 years ago humanity was not ready to embrace the conscience of the soul.
If we are thinking, any concept naturally reflects the unconscious evolutionary needs of the contemporary collective mind.
It is actually the Divine wish to express the truth according to the people’s evolutionary capacity at any given stage of its development.
With a double degree in Sociology and Psychology, I can psychoanalyze myself and get the result that I have a problem with authority.
I won’t say that mr. Erikson is wrong, but also I cannot deny the fact that I took culturally a truth, incapable of unveiling the subtle dimensions of the soul.
Don’t get me wrong, my father-in-law is a priest and I won’t offend him by stating the above.
I want to say that the teaches of the church are not wrong, but only incomplete and not adapted from the present perspective of the expanded potential of human consciousness.
I ran out of time for sharing thoughts, it’s been an hour and I need to fill the canister.
With Methane!
M-am nascut in Bucuresti, Romania, intr-un centru darmat de cel mai mare cutremur din istoria tarii.
Vremuri cutremuratoare in vietile oamenilor unde nu numai pamantul se cutremura, se cutremura si constiinta oamenilor insiruiti la coada de un sistem irational ce rationaliza painea.
Reconstructia casei in care m-am nascut a durat ceva ani, timp in care parintii mei s-au demolat pe ei insisi.
Au ramas pana in ziua de azi “under construction” pe picioare.
Mama bucuresteanca, tatal ploiestean, vacantele de vara ale copilariei erau un deja-vu organizat identic si la fel in fiecare an, 2 saptamani la Mamaia, 2 Saptamani la Sinaia, 2 saptamani in vizita la rude in Brasov si Fagaras, 2 saptamani in centrul Bucurestiului si o luna la “tara” la mamaie in centrul Ploiestiului. Vacantele in afara tarii erau interzise pe vremea Comunismului asa ca toata lumea era intr-o bucla constanta, un fel de “Staycation” pentru unii, astazi.
Dictatorul Ceausescu era ateu. Se distra mult pe seama credintei oamenilor si demola frecvent biserici doar spre a-si demonstra suprematia ca si lider.
Ca si efect s-a produs un fenomen de polarizare in care credinta oamenilor a devenit mai puternica.
Ce-a urmat din punct de vedere social dupa caderea sistemului Comunist as denumi patinaj in aer liber, pe bani, cand nimeni nu stia sa patineze.
Credinta si-a recapatat puterea institutionala si elibereaza suflete legitim, in viitor.
Impersonalitatea pacii si libertatii transmisa de catre religia in care m-am nascut, poate a fost la vremea ei revolutionara dar acum, in 2018, mi se pare total depasita.
Consider ca acum 2000 de ani umanitatea nu era indeajuns de coapta pentru a imbratisa constiinta sufletului.
Dacă ne gândim, orice concept reflectă în mod natural nevoile evolutive inconștiente ale minții colective contemporane. Este de fapt vointa cauzei Divine de a exprima adevarul in concordanta cu capacitatea evolutiva a umanitatii in orice moment al dezvoltarii ei.
Avand dubla specializare in Sociologie si Psihologie ma pot psiho-socio analiza si-mi da conform lui Erik Erikson ca eu am o problema cu autoritatea.
Eu nu zic ca nenea Erikson nu are dreptate dar nici nu pot nega faptul ca am preluat cultural un adevar incapabil de a dezveli dimensiunile subtile ale sufletului.
Nu ma intelegeti gresit oameni buni, socra-miu este un om si un preot extraordinar si nu-l jignesc spunand lucrurile de mai sus.
Vreau sa spun ca invataturile bisericii nu sunt incorecte ci doar incomplete si neapdatate din prezenta perspectiva a potentialului constiintei umane.
Nu mai am timp de impartit ganduri, s-a scurs o ora si trebuie sa incarc butelia.
Cu Metan!
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