Leaving Prado and the people here is hard.
So far Brazil offered us an extraordinary cultural diversity with deep European influences.
Now that we entered Bahia state, the scenery changed again, the places look depicted from “Isaura” telenovela and the people… the people are simple, authentic and smiling one ear to the other even if they have shoes to wear or not.
I wonder where they have this spirit from. Could be the white sand, could be the coconut water or the kind sun.
If they have a secret, I promise you I will find it and share it with you.
Yesterday Mr. Pedro revealed to us his fresh fish source. So we took the kids and walked through colored and simple houses facing the Jucurucu river.
We bought fish from a tattooed guy with a Jamaica t-shirt and chilled coconut water from an old lady, dark-skinned, but white-haired and kind-hearted.
After supper, we stayed on the docks watching the sunset and talked about Physics and the kids built wooden rafts and thew in the water different-sized stones.
A few crabs watched is through the rocks.
That’s about it for today.
Ne desprindem tare greu de Prado si de oamenii de pe aici. Pana acum Brazilia ne-a oferit o diversitate culturala extraordinara, cu intense influente europene.
Intrand in Bahia peisajul s-a schimbat din nou, locurile sunt desprinse din telenovela cu Isaura iar oamenii… oamenii sunt simpli, autentici si cu zambetul pana la urechi indiferent daca au sau nu ce purta in picioare.
Ma intreb de unde le vine starea de spirit?
O fi de la nisipul alb, de la apa de cocos sau de la soarele baian?
Daca au vreun secret il vom descoperi si promit ca il vom impartasi cu voi!
Ieri Sr. Pedro ne-a dezvaluit sursa lui ieftina si proaspata de unde cumpara peste. Asa ca ne- am luat copiii si ne-am pierdut printre casutele colorate si simple cu vedere catre raul Jucurucu.
Am cumparat peste de la un tip tatuat cu tricou cu Jamaica si am baut apa de cocos cu gheata de la o batranica de culoare dar cu parul nins si cu inima calda.
Dupa masa am stat pe docuri pana cand a apus soarele si am vorbit despre fizica cu copiii care au construit plute de lemn si s-au jucat cu pietre de diferite greutati.
Cativa crabi ne-au privit printre pietre.
Cam atat.
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