

With Becka giving birth we have to have a break in our journey in order to give her time and space to take care of her kittens.

She has her bed in a leather medieval trunk from around 1700 that I bought Lavinia for Christmas last year from a vintage fair in Cusco, Peru. We’ve been carrying it through South America for 14000 km hoping that we will find a chance to send it home. We’ll see!

So after a rainy day we start the new day with sun. We have been really looking forward for some sun to put the clothes out to dry and go to the beach. We are camped just a few kilometers away from a beautiful town that for me resembles Benidorm on the coast of Spain.

Balneário Camboriú is its name and it is full of sky-scrapers bordering the main seafront alley, people well dressed and cool cars not driving more than 30 kmh. It looks like a high class destination. Full streets have a party flavor while the beaches are full of umbrellas, beach towels and chaise-longs. You are under the impression that people here are not working, but they must be working judging by the prices here.

If you visited Peru or Paraguay, Brazil will seem expensive. The gasoline is the same as in Europe ranging between €1 and €1.2 / liter, a beer on the beach is a minimum of €5 and an umbrella €5 – 10 / day.

As our status as permanent tourists means our budget is pretty steady unless a supplement happens, we will have to make real life tricks in order to fit in our budget. This on one side is kinda unpleasant, on the other side is a creativity exercise that even the kids will have to take, but they are the most enthusiastic when it comes to exercising.











Becka a nascut deci suntem nevoiti sa luam o pauza de condus ca sa nu o stresam, schimbandu-i locul in fiecare zi. A nascut intr-un cufar de piele, medieval de prin anii 1700. I l-am cumparat Laviniei anul trecut, de Craciun de la un targ de vechituri din Cusco, Peru. Il tot caram cu noi pana acum vreo 14.000 de kilometri prin America de Sud in speranta ca il vom putea trimite acasa; sa vedem!

Asa ca dupa o zi ploioasa, incepem ziua cu soare. Noi asteptam soarele precum mortul colacul, sa ne intindem repede lucrurile ude si sa dam fuga pe plaja.

Suntem campati la numai cativa kilometri de un orasel foarte asemanator cu Benidorm de pe coasta Spaniei.

Balneario Camboriu pe numele lui este plin de zgarie-nori insirati ca margelele pe faleza principala, cu oameni imbracati chic, masini misto ce nu depasesc 30km/h. Pare o destinatie de lux. Strazile pline au miros de sarbatoare iar plajele sunt acoperite de prosoape colorate , umbrele si sezlong-uri.  Pare ca lumea nu munceste dar munceste cu siguranta la ce preturi sunt!

Daca ai vizitat Peru sau Paraguay, Brazilia ti se va parea scumpa. Benzina este la nivel european cu preturi cuprinse intre 1 si1.2 €/ litru, o bere pe plaja minim 5€,  iar o umbrela de soare intre 5-10€/zi.

Cum noi avem un statut mai special de turisti permanenti, bugetul nostru este cam fix daca nu-l suplimentam asa ca luna de luna trebuie sa facem artificii existentiale si matematice pentru a ne incadra. Asta pe de o parte e cam nasol pe de alta parte e un exercitiu de creativitate, exercitiu la care si copiii participa cu mult entuziasm.

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