I was thinking about the people that leave on seasonal commerce and tourism.
Almost all their interactions with the tourists have a financial interest. Any new person they meet is a possible client.
It’s hard to live like this, you lose the joy of a spontaneous and selfless relationship.
In South America, if you are white and you speak a language they can’t understand you are a gringo. In principle a gringo is seen by the one living on tourism and commerce with an eye like the slot machines, rolling the $ sign.
In the four years we’ve been traveling through this wonderful continent we only met one gypsy. This was two years ago, in Iquique, Chile.
I was glad!
No, not because of a sense of home nostalgia, but because he was funny and humane.
Today I got into the role of surf coach and entered the water to help Carla practice.
Aris caught a cold and is taking a small break.
We had a late lunch, all tired and fell asleep all together, with Piccolina between us. We didn’t have time today, but Ana is going to go first tomorrow.
She was ok with this, she was even happy to have more time to spend with her new friend. Our child said she hasn’t got many friends so when she makes one she wants to spend more time with her.
We gave up the “normal life” for many reasons, but one of them was the quality of our time spent together. I taught my kids to ride a bike, now I am with them in the water holding their surfboard.
I appreciate the moments, the time spent together, the laugh after a missed wave, the excitement of a ridden one and the smile of the child that is feeling loved.
We don’t have any more houses, businesses, cars, but also no taxes! ?
Ma gandeam la oamenii care traiesc din turism si comert sezonier. Aproape toate interactiile lor cu turistii au la baza un interes financiar. Orice persoana nou cunoscuta le este un potential client.
Greu, frate, sa traiesti asa! Pierzi bucuria unei relatii spontane si dezinteresate.
In America de Sud daca esti alb si vorbesti alta limba pe care ei nu o pot intelege intri in categoria de gringo.
De principiu un gringo este vazut de catre cei care traiesc din turism si comert cu niste ochi de tipul jocurilor mecanice adica li se invart in cap si in locul irisului apare semnul $ pe fundal alb.
In patru ani de cand hoinarim prin fantasticul continent, nu am intalnit decat un tigan. Se intampla acum doi ani si eram prin Iquique, Chile.
M-am bucurat!
Nu, nu de dorul tarii, doar asa ca era haios si uman.
Astazi am luat rolul antrenorului de surf si am intrat in apa cu Carla ca sa o ajut. Aris este racit si a luat o mica pauza.
Pranzul l-am mancat tarziu si obositi, am adormit cu totii unul peste celalalt, cu Piccolina printre noi.
N-am mai avut timp astazi si pentru Ana, dar maine ea va avea intaietate. Nu a avut nicio problema ba chiar s-a bucurat ca a stat mai mult cu noua ei prietena. Chiar a zis copilul ca ea nu prea are prietene si cand gaseste una, sta cu ea mai mult.
Am renuntat la o viata normala din mai multe motive dar unul a fost pentru timpul de calitate petrecut impreuna.
Mi-am invatat copiii sa mearga pe bicicleta, acum sunt cu ei in apa si le sustin placa de surf.
Ma bucur pentru momente, pentru timpul misto petrecut impreuna, pentru rasul unui val ratat, pentru bucuria unui val calarit si pentru zambetul copilului, care se simte iubit.
Nu mai avem case, nu mai avem firme, masini dar nu mai platim nici taxe! ?
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