

Today the Brazilian Carnival has started. 

We decided to have a theme party costumed with things we can find in nature. 

I was one of the uninspired, putting only a leaf on my head. 

But I shaved. 

After almost 5 years with a beard, it was time to show my face again. 

The first observation would be that hair reduces the impact and now scratching hurts more. 

In fact, I bruised my cheek when I scratched myself. 

The carnival party continued for us with a barbecue. 

I was not in the mood for smoke so I went into a corner to play chess with Carla and Aris. 

Today one volunteer left one day earlier than supposed to and tomorrow three more will leave.

Sad, other than that, nothing…


Astazi a inceput carnavalul in Brazilia. 

Am hotarat sa facem o petrecere tematica, costumati cu ce ne ofera natura. 

Eu am fost unul dintre cei mai neinspirati, punandu-mi doar o frunza pe cap. 

In schimb m-am ras. 

Dupa aproape 5 ani de barba, a venit timpul sa-mi arat fata din nou. 

Prima observatie este ca parul atenueaza si forta unei scarpinaturi este mai mare. 

Adica m-am zgariat pe obraz cand m-am scarpinat.

Petrecerea de carnaval a continuat pentru noi cu un gratar. 

Eu n-am prea avut chef de fum si m-am retras la un joc de sah cu Carla si Aris.

Astazi a plecat un voluntar mai devreme fata de cat era stabilit iar maine vor mai pleca trei. 

Trist, in rest, nimic!

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