

I think the best description of our traveling is a sort of permanent camping. It’s like going from one camp to another and taking the pets along. 

In the small square that has been our courtyard for a week, there are several public places and stores that are now our neighbors. 

The most awkward one is a store that sells only 3 products: oil, rice and washing liquid and opens every morning at 5 am. At 6 am the square is full because here there is also the ice factory, ice that is very much needed by the fishermen and fishing boats. 

The store owners are 2 funny old ones, sitting all day side by side in their chairs and at 6 am the store is full. 

Two days ago I go at 9 in the morning to buy coffee. I say good morning and ask for coffee, they look at each other, turn to me with an expressionless face and answer a simple no. 

I insist, not any? 

The same gestures, the same answer. 

Well, ok then! 

Yesterday morning I go to buy milk. 

The same scene, all over again. 

This morning I go with an empty 20-liter container, a kid in each side and ask for water. I tap the plastic container and ask: 

“Do you have any water?”

Same answer, no, no water. 

Completely baffled and confused by the concept of the store, I add a few more questions, like, if there is anything sweet. 

No, nothing. 

“Ok, then, I want some oil”

One of the old men sighs and tells me:

“Listen, boy, this is a traditional Cachaça store and we only sell Cachaça, the oil is mine, but if you need it, I will give it to you and buy another one for me.”

I was muted on the inside and I only managed an “aaa…” on the outside. 

Later they came to the car with a box of chocolates, excusing themselves that they didn’t have anything sweet for the kids. 

Other than that, nothing, still waiting for the whales!


Cred ca cea mai buna descriere a modului in care calatorim noi, este un soi de camping permanent. Este ca si cum am merge din tabara in tabara numai ca am luat si animalele cu noi. 

In mica piateta ce ne serveste drept curte deja de-o saptamana se afla mai multe spatii comerciale cu care suntem invecinati.

Cel mai dubios ni s-a parut un magazin fara firma, care vinde doar 3 produse, ulei, orez si solutie de spalat vase si care deschide in fiecare zi la 5 dimineata.

La 6 dimineata, piateta este plina pentru ca aici se mai afla si fabrica de gheata, indispensabila pescarilor si barcilor de pescuit.

La 6 dimineata, magazinul in care vand doi batrani simpatici, lipiti fiecare de cate un scaun toata ziua, este plin ochi de oameni.

Acum doua zile m-am dus sa cumpar si eu cafea, la o ora rezonabila tip 9:00 dimineata. Le dau buna dimineata la mosuleti, ii intreb daca au cafea, se uita ei unul la celalalt, se intorc amandoi inspre mine, ma privesc cu niste fete fara expresie si raspund sec: nu, nu avem!

Nimic, adica, nimic, nimic, insist eu. Ei cu aceasi lipsa de expresie, repeta un “nu” la fel de sec si simplu ca si primul. Bine frate, asta e!

Ieri, tot de dimineata, ma duc sa cumpar lapte. Se repeta figura, nu aveau.

Astazi de dimineata, ma duc cu bidonul gol de 20 de litri in brate, un copil in stanga, unul in dreapta, ma uit la ei si batand cu degetul in bidon ii intreb:

– Apa, apa aveti?!

Aceeasi figura identica, nu, nu au avut nici apa.

Contrariat si curios de functionamentul magazinului, revin cu alte intrebari, gen ce aveti dulce. Ei nimic.

Ok zic, atunci vreau un ulei!

Unul dintre mosuleti ofteaza si-mi zice:

– Auzi bai baiete, aici nu este magazin, este Cachaserie traditionala si nu vindem decat Cachasa. Uleiul este al meu, daca ai nevoie, ti-l dau si-mi cumpar eu altul!

M-am blocat pe interior dar la exterior am eschivat cu un aaa, adica aaa…

Cachasa este alcool produs din trestie de zahar, bautura traditionala in Brazilia asemanatoare cu tuica romaneasca.

Mai tarziu au venit la masina si ne-au dat o cutie de bomboane si si-au cerut scuze ca n-au nimic dulce de vanzare pentru copii.

In rest, nimic, asteptam balenele!

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