

We hope to not have scared anybody with our 3 day absence, but we spent time with some friends and remained until late to catch up. And then the following happened and put us on the road.

Aris stepped into a poop. 

Right before bed he washed and perfumed himself, looked closely in the mirror, as he uses to, jumped into bed and covered himself. 

We started an argument over who is responsible for the smell, blaming each other, only to discover that Aris brought poop to the bed. 

Anyway, we started washing and we hanged the sheet and the blanket behind the car on an improvised rope in the public parking space of downtown Araial d’Adjuda. 

We saw that this is a practice around here, being “neighbors” with 8 tents of craftsmen and jugglers who perform in the central square. 

In the morning the police came and evacuated everybody, us included and all the tents. A little disturbed by the way our morning started, we went to the chicest coffee place there in the city center to sweeten our day. 

We avoided Porto Seguro and headed straight to Itacare to put our surfboards into the water. 

Other than that, nothing, we are fine!



Cu toate ca speram ca ne-ati simtit lipsa, speram ca nu am speriat pe nimeni cu absenta noastra de 3 zile. 

Aris a calcat intr-un ca**t.

Chiar inainte de culcare Aris s-a spalat, s-a parfumat, s-a pieptanat, s-a uitat in oglinda apoi atent cum ii este firea, a sarit repede in pat si s-a invelit. Am inceput sa ne certam din cauza mirosului dand vina unii pe altii pentru cine-a scapat o “fasaita”ca sa descoperim ca Aris ne-a umplut patul de ca**t.

In fine, ne-am apucat de spalat si am intins carceaful si paturica, in spatele masinii, pe o sarma improvizata in parcarea publica din centrul lui Araial d’Ajuda. Vazusem ca se practica obiceiul asta intrucat vecini cu noi avem vreo 8 corturi apartinand jonglerilor si artizanilor ce performeaza in piata centrala.

Dimineata, la prima ora apare politia, ne evacueaza pe toti, adica si pe noi cu rufele noastre si pe vecinii cu tabara si corturi. Un pic deranjati de modul in care-a decurs dimineata noastra, am dat o fuga la cea mai chic cafenea din centrul orasului pentru a ne indulci cu energie pentru drum.

Am evitat Porto Seguro si am luat-o direct inspre Itacaré ca sa ne dam placile de surf la apa.

In rest, nimic, suntem bine!


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