Today it’s one month since I’ve been eating raw.
What I can say: I feel more energetic, calmer, I eat much less and I don’t need a siesta after a meal.
So I will keep on eating raw and feel good.
In the Amazonian jungle I learnt that food has memory in its cells.
Although plant cells differ from animal cells, when you eat any of them, besides getting the nutrients from it, you also get the memory stored in it.
If you eat an apple, you get the touch of the sun and the rain, when you eat steak, you get the memories of the animal.
It’s a challenge to eat only raw because of desires and with desires, if you don’t control them, they will control you.
C.G. Jung said: “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
So it depends on the approach each of us has on life, some pray to God for a better life, I chose to build my own.
Plants are the best teachers to bring the unconscious into the conscious, but first, you will have to learn to listen to them.
Other than that, nothing, all’s good…
Astazi am implinit o luna de cand mananc numai crud.
Ce pot sa spun; ma simt mult mai energic, mai calm, mananc mult mai putin si nu imi mai este necesara siesta dupa masa.
Asa ca o sa continui sa mananc crud si sa ma simt bine.
In jungla Amazoniana am invatat ca alimentele au memorii inmagazinate in propriile lor celule.
Desi celulele plantelor difera de cele ale animalelor, cand mananci una din cele doua categorii, in afara faptului ca preiei elementele nutritive necesare organismului tau, preiei si memoriile continute in ele.
Daca mananci un mar preiei mangaierea soarelui si a ploii, cand mananci o friptura, preiei memoriile animalului.
Este o incercare sa mananci numai crud datorita poftelor dar poftele sunt din categoria dorintelor si daca nu le controlezi, te vor controla.
C. G. Jung spunea: “Pana nu aduci in constient inconstientul, acesta iti va directiona viata si-i vei spune soarta.”
Asadar depinde de fiecare ce abordare are asupra vietii, unii se roaga la Dumnezeu pentru o soarta mai buna, eu am ales sa imi construiesc soarta.
Plantele sunt cei mai mari profesori pentru a aduce inconstientul in constient, dar mai intai va trebui sa inveti sa le asculti.
In rest, nimic, numai bine…
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