14 Jun ZIMBROS – 13 JUNE 2018 – OUTSIDE IN
An enlightened person can’t teach you the experience, but can talk about it. As the St. Paul said: “Faith is confirmation of the proof of things hoped for and the unseen.“ Simple and concise. For St. Paul things are clear.
He doesn’t believe, he knows.
When there is something that has been revealed to you, you stop believing; you know!
Having faith in God means going beyond the empiric world of senses and logic, into the unseen world of the spirit.
Our experience regarding the natural world and our conscience that we have about it, implies on outer object pre-established and requires no effort of spiritual insight.
We are therefore influenced and constrained to search for God in the outside. I can hear my father’s words: “there is a God up there”.
I never understood why up. In the water or among us, there couldn’t be? Is there a higher concentrated energy in the upper levels?
Thus, faith is the tool of those still searching. He who found God is no longer believing, he knows.
Buddha said that life is suffering. He could ‘t be more right. Believing in something greater than you is a native trait.
Looking for God is an instinct and a quality of man. To awaken means to find the world of the unseen. It’s a process. Whose? Certainly not yours. It’s a level of your consciousness that will happen to you just like life happened.
To be enlightened is to have the consciousness of pure subjectivity. Which is also a process. Whose? Certainly not yours. It’s the process of God in life. In your life. In the presence.
You can talk about it, but for the rest will still sound as faith. For them you are on the outside.
And on the outside there is nothing to be understood.
Un iluminat nu-ti poate preda experienta dar poate vorbi despre ea.
Dupa cum spunea Sfântul Apostol Pavel: „Credinţa este adeverirea celor nădăjduite şi dovedirea lucrurilor celor nevăzute”. Simplu şi la obiect. Pentru nenea Pavel lucrurile sunt clare. El nu mai crede, stie.
In ceva care ti s-a adeverit si dovedit nu mai poti sa crezi nimic; stii!
A crede in Dumnezeu implica a crede nu numai in lumea empirica a simturilor si a legilor logice, ci si in lumea nevazuta a spiritului.
Experienta noastra, in ce priveste lumea naturala si cunostinta pe care o avem despre ea, presupune un obiect stabilit dinainte si din afara, care nu cere un efort de patrundere spirituala.
In acest sens suntem influentati si constransi inconstient in a-l cauta pe Dumnezeu tot pe undeva pe afara.
Parca-l aud pe tata cu vorbele lui: “E un Dumnezeu sus!”
N-am inteles niciodata de ce sus! Prin apa sau printre noi, nu e? E o energie concentrata mai in sus?
In consecinta, credinta este unealta celor care sunt inca pe drum.
Cine l-a cunoscut pe Dumnezeu, nu mai crede, stie!
Buddha mai spunea ca viata este suferinta. Nici ca putea fi mai concret! A crede in ceva mai presus de tine este o tendinta nativa.
A-l cauta pe Dumnezeu este un instinct si o insusire a omului. A te trezi, inseamna a incepe sa descoperi lumea celor nevazute.
Este un proces. Al cui? In nici un caz al tau! Este un nivel al constiintei care ti se intampla, exact cum ti s-a intamplat si viata.
A te ilumina inseamna sa ai constiinta adevarului. Care este tot un proces.
Al cui? In nici un caz al tau! Este procesul Dumnezeului in viata.
In tine se intampla.
In prezenta.
Poti vorbi despre asta dar pentru restul tot credinta ramane.
Pentru restul, tu esti afara.
Si in afara, nu este nimic de inteles!
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