

Have you seen “The Transformers”? I haven’t either, but Aris has a toy that transforms from a car into a robot and vice-versa. 

Well, our transforms into several things. When we are parked the space in the back transform into a bed and the front into a kitchen. 

Under the bed there lays Oscar  when it’s raining, that is the dressing. 

It took us almost a day to put the car back into driving mode. We haven’t rushed because haste makes waste and because we have nowhere to rush to. 

We have to admit that we like this “whatever” style of ours. The kids enjoyed their Brazilian theatre and jiu-jitsu. 

They left at 16:00 and got back at 20:00. Aris came back home flying more than walking. 

The reason? The first kiss. 

Aris is 11, in case you are wondering. After an hour of hugging and saying goodbye with tears in their eyes, Aris says:

– This kissing stuff and jiu-jitsu classes drained me. I want to relax, that is to see a movie and to fall asleep. 

– You have to practice, Mom and Dad kiss all day and they are not tired at all, Ana replied. 

My first kiss is like in the “Forrest Gump” movie. I panicked so much when I touched her teeth with my tongue that I ran without looking back. 

Somehow history repeats itself, I remember, just as Aris, I got back home very tired!


Ati vazut filmul Transformers? Nici eu dar Aris a avut o jucarie care se transforma dintr-un robot intr-o masinuta si invers. Ei bine, masina noastra se transforma in mai multe. Cand suntem parcati, toata partea din spate se face pat iar partea din fata bucatarie. Sub pat intra Oscar cand ploua, adica in sifonier.

Ne-a luat toata ziua sa repunem masina in formatul de drum. Nu ne-am grabit pentru ca graba strica treaba ci pentru ca nu avem unde sa ne grabim! Ce-i drept ne si place stilul relaxat tip miserupist!

Copiii s-au bucurat pentru ca au avut ore de teatru si Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Au plecat pe la 16:00 si s-au intors la 20:00. Aris a venit plutind nu mergand si fericit peste masura. Motivul?! Primul pupic. Aris are 11 in caz ca va intrebati.

Dupa ce s-au imbratisat o ora si si-au luat ramas bun cu oftaturi si lacrimi in ochi, Aris zice:

-Pupatul asta si orele de Jiu-Jitsu m-au consumat foarte mult. Vreau sa ma relaxez adica sa vedem un film si sa ne culcam.

– Trebuie sa mai exersezi, se agata si Ana in discutie, mami cu tati se pupa toata ziua si nu sunt obositi deloc!

Primul meu sarut imi aminteste de Forrest Gump. M-am speriat atat de tare cand i-am atins dintii cu limba ca am fugit fara sa privesc inapoi.

Pe undeva istoria se repeta, tin minte ca la fel ca si Aris, am ajuns acasa foarte obosit!

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