

Today we went out. We went to check the car lest should somebody sleep inside it, to do some shopping and to eat something different at the restaurant. 

Getting out of the community from time to time, changing the environment is good and even mandatory for our general well-being. 

We are like water, if we stay put for too long, our thoughts start smelling bad!

In the community, we cook in turns. We get provisions once every two weeks and divide the food in two, for each week. 

We don’t have somebody responsible for this kind of administration, everything is done based on common sense. At the end of the two weeks, invariably, the pumpkin will remain. 

Creativity is the main ingredient in the community’s kitchen and if it lacks, we will enjoy every day a pumpkin soup. 

Mornings have a pretty fixed menu, fruits, scrambled eggs, steamed polenta, similar to couscous. 

In Bahia corn flour is called couscous and the real, wheat couscous, is absent. Their names were mixed and remained this way. 

Lunch is a 75% fixed menu: rice, beans, salad and something else. That something else is usually a vegetable stew. 

Dinner is full of surprises. 

We can have cream soups of aipim or pumpkin, stews of cabbage, zucchini and eggplants with chuchu and salad. 

Salad is made of coarsely chopped cabbage, with arugula and green salad from the community. 

There is a lot of work done in the garden where, besides green salad and arugula, and that not in a constant manner, nothing else is cultivated. 

Oh, well, in 5 months since we’ve been here, we have harvested 2 zucchinis, 10 eggplants, and 5 cucumbers.

Other than that, nothing, all’s good…


Astazi am iesit in oras. Am fost sa verificam masina ca nu cumva sa doarma cineva in ea, sa facem cate o cumparatura si sa mancam ceva diferit la restaurant. 

Ne fac bine iesirile din comunitate, schimbarea mediului din cand in cand devine chiar obligatorie pentru o buna functionalitate la modul general. 

Suntem precum apa, daca stam mult in acelasi loc, gandurile incep sa ne miroasa! 

In comunitate gatim pe rand. 

Aprovizionarea o facem o data la doua saptamani si impartim cumparaturile in doua, pentru fiecare saptamana in parte. 

Nu avem un responsabil sau sef de gestiune, totul este liber si bazat pe bunul simt. 

Spre sfarsitul celor doua saptamani, invariabil vor ramane dovlecii. 

Creativitatea este cel mai important ingredient in bucataria comunitatii si daca lipseste, ne vom bucura in fiecare zi de supa crema de dovleac. 

Diminetile au meniu semi fix, fructe, omleta si mamaliga preparata la abur, precum cuscusul. 

In Bahia, malaiul se numeste cuscus, iar cuscusul adevarat din grau, nu exista deloc. S-au confundat si amestecat denumirile si au ramas asa. Asta ca si curiozitate. 

La pranz meniul este in proportie de 75% fix: orez, fasole, salata si inca ceva. Acel ceva este de obicei o tocanita de legume. 

Seara este plina de surprize. 

Putem avea supe creme din care sa nu lipseasca aipim-ul si dovleacul, mancaruri de varza, dovlecei sau vinete din care nu va lipsi chuchu-ul si salata. 

Salata daca nu este de varza tocata marunt cu toporul in fasii de cate 2 cm, contine rucola si salata verde din gradina comunitatii. 

In gradina se munceste mult si in afara de salata verde si rucola si asta nu in mod constant, nu produce nimic. 

Bine, in 5 luni de cand suntem aici, am recoltat 2 dovleci, 10 vinete si 5 castraveti. 

In rest, nimic, toate bune…

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