We enjoyed a peaceful morning today. Even if I might have told you several times already, I must say again what a nice thing it is to drink your espresso on the beach. We have a travel stove on gasoline that we bought in a flea market in Cusco last year. It was expensive, but worth it, now it’s our main stove so we take our espresso machine, stove, cups, some fruits and after washing our face we just hop on the beach. The sunny beach is full of transparent crabs, just like in cartoons.
Today it’s a holiday in Brazil, it’s St Mary so the beach at noon is full up to the water. The sun is strong, not a cloud, the water warm and crystal clear, full of colorful fish. Bombinhas is like a Paradise and I’m not exaggerating. I’ll leave pictures here to decide for yourselves.
When the beach was full we went into the shade and I took the time to call my sister. Today was her last day at work. We worked together in the same media company; I decided to pack my bags and go after 6 years, but she continued calmly, navigating through life like a surfer on still waters. Of course she stumbled upon rough weather from time to time, but she kept her balance like Nadia on the gymnastics beam.
For her it was the first and only job she had. At 37 she said she has to make a step to the side and she did. So the first thing I asked was if her colleagues arranged any surprise party for her with a male stripper coming out of a cake, booze, music etc. after almost 20 years in the same workplace your colleagues become your family, you know their joys and sorrows. Discussions are simple and complicated on the same time, you know how the kid pooped this morning to the performance in school and the first love.
People ask me how my kids are with their socializing considering the fact that they don’t go to school. If they have friends, if they socialize. What can I say, they are pretty good at it, maybe better!
Dimineata ne-a fost tare linistita astazi. Cu riscul de a ma repeta v-am spus cum e sa-ti bei espresso-ul pe plaja? Avem un arzator de voiaj pe benzina, v-am povestit ca l-am cumparat dintr-un targ de vechituri din Cusco anul trecut. A fost scump dar a meritat, acum este aragazul nostru principal asa ca ne luam espressor-ul, aragazul, cescutele, niste fructe si cum ne-am spalat pe fata top pe plaja la picknick. Plaja insorita e populata de crabi semi transparenti. Zici ca-s din desene animate.
Astazi se sarbatoreste in Brazilia, Sfanta Maria asa ca plaja pe la orele pranzului s-a umplut pana in apa. Soarele e puternic, nici un nor, apa calda si cristalina, plina de pesti multicolorati. Bombinhas e un paradis si asta fara sa laud prea mult zona. Va pun poze sa va convingeti si singuri.
Cand s-a umplut plaja ne-am retras si eu mi-am oferit timpul necesar sa vorbesc cu sora-mea. Astazi a fost ultima ei zi de munca. Am lucrat impreuna sub umbrela aceluiasi trust media dar eu dupa 6 ani am lasat totul si am luat-o la vale cu viata dar ea a continuat calm, navigand prin viata ca un stand up surfer pe ape linistite. Ei, bine a intimpinat si furtuni dar si-a pastrat echilibrul ca Nadia pe barna!
Pentru ea a fost primul si singurul pe care l-a avut in aceasta viata. La 37 de ani a zis ca trebuie sa faca un pas, inspre nimic practic dar sa-l faca. Si l-a facut!
Asa ca primul lucru pe care am intrebat-o a fost daca i-au facut fetele, colegele vreo petrecere surpriza cu un stripper ce iese dintr-un tort, bautura, muzica, etc! Dupa 20 de ani de munca in acelasi loc, colegii iti devin familie, le stii bucuriile si tristetile pe de rost. Discutiile sunt simple si complicate la un loc, aflii de la ce culoare are cacutzul copilului pana la performantele lui in materie de scoala sau despre primele indragosteli.
Nu, nimic, nada!
Ma intreaba lumea cum se descurca copiii cu socializarea in conditiile in care nu merg la scoala!
Adica daca au prieteni, daca socializeaza.
Pai ce sa zic, bine se descurca… poate chiar mai bine!
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