Today we had the house inauguration party.
Nothing fancy, just lots of children, music and good food.
We were visited by: Sam, Liz, Maya, little Omar and the Dobrescus in full team.
We had a visit also from the monkeys family composed of two adults and two babies.
They are wonderful.
We all gathered in the yard like at the circus.
The kids put bananas on the fence for them and they shyly approached and started eating them. We noticed that they don’t make sounds except when there is something to be signaled, like there is a big white dog coming over.
They meant Oscar.
We kept Piccolina inside lest she should scare the little furry friends.
We searched on the internet and it seems that the monkey family that keeps coming over is a Callithrix family.
They are small like a squirrel, with long tail and stripped like a raccoon’s.
What makes them extremely funny is that they have long hair around their temples and you get the sensation that they arranged their hair like the former president, Mr Basescu.
After the guests left, each of us took a bowl of peanuts and sat nicely to watch a movie.
We wish ourselves a good movie experience!
Other than that, nothing, all’s good…
Astazi am inaugurat casa noua cu o mica petrecere. Nimic spectaculos, doar multi copii, muzica si mancare buna.
Ne-au trecut pragul Sam, Liz, Maya, micutul Omar si Dobrestii in formula completa.
Ne-a mai vizitat si familia de maimute formata din doi adulti si doi pui.
Sunt minunate.
Ne-am strans cu totii in curte ca la circ.
Copiii le-au pus banane pe gard si ele timid si tiptil s-au apropiat si au inceput sa manance.
Am observat ca nu scot sunete decat cand e ceva de anuntat, gen vedeti ca e un caine mare si alb care se apropie.
La Oscar se refereau.
Pe Piccolina am inchis-o in casa ca sa nu ne sperie noii prieteni pufosi.
Am cautat pe net si se pare ca familia de maimute ce ne tot viziteaza sunt un gen de Callithrix. Sunt mici cat o veverita , cu o coada lunga si dungata precum cea a ratonului.
Ce le face mortal de haioase este parul lung din jurul tamplelor, ai avea impresia ca s-au frezat ca si fostul nostru presedinte, Nea’ Basescu.
Dupa ce ne-au plecat invitatii, am luat fiecare cate un castron de alune si ne-am asezat comod pe canapele sa urmarim un film.
Ne dorim, vizionare placuta!
In rest, nimic, toate bune…
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