When we visited Paraty, on the cobbled streets of the old town we discovered the gallery of the painter Aecio Sarti. I wrote about him here.
This painter has retreated to an area accessible only by boat, where what do you think he’s doing?!
Yes, he paints and uses the worn-out truck tarp to express his genius.
Ana, on her birthday, wanted to go visit the artist’s gallery again, which we did.
While we were looking at the paintings, a gray-haired guy with glasses, slippers, and wet to the waist entered the gallery.
I didn’t recognize him at first, but it was him, Aecio Sarti, who came by boat and watered by the waves to bring his latest creations for exposition.
The painter of rare simplicity decided on the spot to give the children a souvenir.
He cut a few pieces out of a tarp and with a piece of charcoal he sketched their portraits while he was telling us about his life.
We felt privileged and left quickly because I couldn’t hold back my tears. I don’t know why.
I was floating in the streets of Paraty, I felt like my steps were being moved by a piece of music that only I could hear.
When we returned to the parking lot where we were camped, Ana started painting the artist’s portrait on a piece of wood.
After she finished it, she left with Aris to give it to him, but they found the gallery closed so they left his portrait at the gallery door.
From that moment on, Ana began drawing portraits in charcoal.
She made hundreds.
It only takes her a few minutes to sketch a portrait and then she throws the sheet on the floor and moves on to the next one.
In half an hour she’s full of coal on her face, on her body, and surrounded by portraits.
I wonder if genius spreads like a virus?!
Other than that, nothing, all’s good…
Cand am vizitat Paraty-ul, pe stradutele pietruite din centrul vechi am descoperit galeria pictorului Aecio Sarti.
Am scris despre el aici.
Acest pictor s-a retras intr-o zona accesibila numai cu barca, unde ce credeti ca face?!
Da, picteaza si foloseste prelata de camion uzata pentru a-si exprima geniul.
Ana, de ziua ei, si-a dorit sa mearga sa viziteze din nou galeria artistului, ceea ce am si facut.
In timp ce priveam picturile, intra in galerie un tip carunt, cu ochelari, in slapi si ud pana la brau. Nu l-am recunoscut din prima dar era chiar el, Aecio Sarti, venit cu barca si udat de valuri, pentru a-si aduce ultimele creatii sa le expuna.
Pictorul de o simplitate rara a decis pe loc sa le dea copiilor un suvenir.
A taiat dintr-o prelata cateva bucati si cu o bucata de carbune le-a schitat portretele in timp ce ne povestea viata lui.
Ne-am simtit privilegiati si am plecat repede pentru ca nu-mi puteam stapani lacrimile. Nu stiu de ce.
Pluteam pe strazile Paraty-ului, simteam ca pasii imi sunt ritmati de o muzica pe care numai eu o aud .
Cand ne-am intors in parcarea unde eram campati, Ana a inceput sa picteze pe o bucata de lemn portretul artistului.
Dupa ce l-a terminat a plecat impreuna cu Aris sa i-l dea dar au gasit galeria inchisa asa ca i-au lasat portretul la usa.
Incepand din acel moment, Ana a inceput sa deseneze portrete in carbune.
A facut sute. Nu-i ia decat cateva minute sa schiteze o fata dupa care arunca foaia pe jos si trece la urmatoarea.
Intr-o jumatate de ora este plina de carbune pe fata, pe corp si inconjurata de portrete.
Oare geniul se ia?
In rest, nimic, toate bune…
Doar ca trebuie sa ne refacem stocul de carbune!
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