I don’t know if you knew but the Danes have a happiness institute. That means that they take very serious the happiness of people in society and do their best to make them happier.
They are not the only ones with an interest on happiness and I think that the most efficient Ministry of Happiness is the one in Venezuela. I’m stating this not as a result of the report made by the Danes. I met a lot of Venezuelan travelers who hit the roads of too much happiness. They told me that happiness is so strong in Venezuela that it could kill you. Too much is no good either, I reckon.
So the Danes have been studying it because it can be this dangerous and they have an annual report. The newest is the one from 2018, recently released.
From the first lines I see that the happiest countries are the ones in Northern Europe.
And that while the Latino in me thought they were cold!
An interesting subject in the report is happiness in Latin America. Let me explain: people were curious how the ones in Central and South America have corruption, drugs, mafia, no roads, no money, no insurances, no pensions, no nothing and they are still as happy as the Finish.
It seems that the reason is of cultural origin. It must be of cultural origin since the Inca Empire had no money and markets. Nature, man and time was everything until the coming of the Spaniards.
And let me tell you one more thing: in the official Inca language there wasn’t a word for “friend”, only for “brother”.
The concept of the extended family was introduced by the Spaniards. Inca was a large community where man learnt to live respecting the nature and his kind. Everybody were brothers. I wrote about this here and here.
Latin American society is not focus on transforming and mastering nature and in generating economic growth as it is in living and enjoying life within the existing conditions. The extended -family values of the conquerors blended with the communitarian values of indigenous people and this generated societies where interpersonal relations were dominant. This conduct to societies where the purpose of the relationship is the relationship itself.
But let’s come back to the Danes and their report. As they are saying, maybe the biggest discovery of 2018 is that the happiness of the immigrants is the same with the one of the host country. Interesting, right? Another thing is that the immigrants are the happiest where they are well treated and accepted.
The report might be new, but it’s already outdated as its top ranking of countries with open borders for immigrants is no longer correct. I wrote here how Brazil abolished the immigration law viewing it as breaking the international law of human freedom rights. Cool, right?
Judging by the Danes’ logic, Brazil contributes to increasing the coefficient of global happiness. There are more than 200 million pretty happy people that will influence another millions to be at least as happy.
From this point of view I think that Brazil skipped the Globalization and went straight to Humanization.
You can find The World Happiness Report 2018, here.
Nu stiu daca stiati dar danezii si-au tras de ceva ani un institut de cercetari in fericire. Adica iau in serios problema fericirii oamenilor ce formeaza mediul social si-si bat capul sa faca lumea mai fericita.
Bine, nu sunt singurii interesati de fericire iar cel mai eficient Minister de Fericire cred ca este cel din Venezuela. Spun asta nu in baza raportului realizat de catre danezi. Am cunoscut nenumarati calatori Venezueleni pusi pe drumuri de fericire. Mi-au spus ca fericirea este atat de puternica incat poti sa mori de atata fericire. Nici prea multa nu-i buna bag de seama.
Asa ca Danezii o cerceteaza din moment ce fericirea poate fi atat de periculoasa si intocmesc cate un raport anual. E cald cel referitor la anul 2018, primii biti vazand retina publicului pe 14 luna aceasta.
Daca ma uit pe raport, observ in primul rand ca primele cele mai fericite tari fac parte din nordul Europei.
Si latinul din mine-i credea reci, ca sa vezi! 🙂
Un subiect interesant si dezbatut in raport, priveste fericirea in America Latina. Sa va explic; lumea se intreaba cum oamenii din America Centrala si de Sud au coruptie, au droguri, au mafie, n-au sosele, n-au bani, n-au asigurari, n-au pensii, n-au de nici unele si sunt fericiti precum finlandezii.
Cica-i culturala faza!
Pai cam este nene culturala pentru ca Imperiul Inca nu avea bani si piete! Natura, omul si timpul era tot ceea ce conta in America de Sud inaintea venirii Spaniolilor.
Sa va mai spun ceva ce nu scrie in raport; in limba Quechua, limba oficiala a imperiului Inca, nu exista cuvantul prieten, exista numai cuvantul frate.
Conceptul familiei extinse a fost introdus de catre Spanioli. Inca era o mare comunitate in care omul invata sa traiasca in respect cu natura si semenii lui.
Toti erau frati! Am mai scris despre asta aici si aici.
Societatea Latin Americana nu este centrata pe transformarea naturii in vederea generarii cresterii economice cat pe a trai si a se bucura de viata in conditiile deja existente. Valorile familiei-extinse introduse de cotropitori impreuna cu valorile comunitare ale indigenilor au dus la crearea unor societati focusate pe relatiile interpersonale, unde scopul relatiei este relatia in sine.
Dar sa revenim la danezi si la raportul lor. Dupa cum spun si ei, poate ca cea mai mare descoperire a cercetarii pe anul 2018 este faptul ca fericirea emigrantilor este egala cu fericirea populatiei ce-i primesc. Interesant, nu? O alta chestie ar fi ca emigrantii sunt cei mai fericiti acolo unde sunt bine primiti si acceptati.
Raportul cu toate ca este foarte nou, deja nu mai reflecta realitatea in ceea ce priveste topul tarilor cu portile deschise emigrantilor. Am scris aici cum Brazilia a renuntat la legea emigrantului pe care o considera impotriva drepturilor libertatii omului. Misto, nu?! 🙂
Urmand logica danezilor, Brazilia creste coeficientul fericirii mondiale! Sunt mai mult de 200 de milioane de oameni destul de fericiti care vor influenta alte milioane sa fie cel putin la fel de fericiti.
Din punctul asta de vedere cred ca Brazilia a spus pas la Globalizare si a trecut la Umanizare.
Puteti gasi raportul Institutului Danez de Fericire aici.
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