Legal Consciousness
We realized when we moved that we don’t find 4 passports. We were planning a trip these days to Florianopolis, at the Federal Police to extend our visa. We also have planned to make a trip to Uruguay, to exit as tourists and come back with a studies visa. I won’t go into further detail because we are already in trouble. You see why we stopped making plans?
It’s ok, after all I kept thinking about those passports and borders and how we are put to our place like sheep.
We speak about equality, about equality between sexes, color, religions… and also nations. This equality and fraternity that everybody is talking about is similar to the aliens. Everybody is talking, but nobody has ever seen any.
So equality and fraternity can become a reality when we understand that laws need to evolve together with time, I will not say with the conscience because we are already lost in details.
Education is the key and must evolve the same as the conscience.
Let’s take a newborn. He starts to discover the world around him through his sensations.
He is a sensation altogether because he is not aware of his body yet. When he starts talking around 2 years old, he feels the body, but he is not aware of his mind yet. By 5 years old, he is aware of his body and his mind and he starts a blackmail game and a new game of emotional discoveries.
Most of the people stop at this stage of mind identifying.
Meaning that we identify ourselves comparing to others, what we do, what we think, what we asses through the diplomas for society recognition.
As the institutionalized education is all about building “another brick in the wall”, we are handicapped exactly as we have been handicapped since birth, by a initial sin that is perpetuated from generation to generation and expressed by the way we start to perceive and identify ourselves in this world.
With other words, it’s not enough that starting with our birth, we start looking in a wrong direction, education worsens the situation instead of mending it.
What is the self?
We have just definitions.
Practically, everybody is looking for it, but nobody finds it!
Why is it so hard?
Because you have been taught to listen to others and not yourself.
Some persons that were seriously scolded by their self and consequently started to understand the voice in their head, have the right to educate their kids themselves and to teach the identifying of the self, leaving other things behind.
Because without this identification they are restless and if they are restless, they found that place that everybody is looking for.
A very natural search after all, like a flower searches its way to full bloom.
And that is education!
Odata cu mutarea am descoperit ca nu gasim 4 pasapoarte. Aveam in plan sa dam o fuga zilele astea in Florianopolis, la Politia Federala pentru a ne reinnoi visa. La fel, aveam in plan sa dam o fuga in Uruguay sa iesim ca si turisti si sa intram din nou, cu visa de studiu.
Nu mai intru in detalii pentru ca ne-am dat peste cap deja! Vedeti de ce nu ne mai facem planuri?
Nu-i nici un bai, pana la urma doar ma gandeam la pasapoartele astea si la granite si la cum ne-am inregimentat asa, precum oile.
Pai vorbim de egalitate, vorbim de egalitatea intre sexe, culoare si religii… si de asemenea intre natiuni!
Treaba asta cu egalitatea si fraternitatea de care se tot vorbeste e la fel ca si treaba cu extraterestri. Toata lumea vorbeste despre ei dar nimeni nu a vazut unul vreodata! Asa ca egalitatea si fraternitatea se va putea produce cand vom intelege ca legile trebuie sa evolueze odata cu timpurile, sa nu zic odata cu constiinta ca deja ne-am pierdut in detalii!
Educatia este punctul cheie si imperios necesar este ca aceasta sa evolueze odata cu constiinta.
Sa ne imaginam un nou nascut ce-a venit pe lume. Incepe a descoperi lumea prin senzatiile oferite de corp. El este senzatia si se exprima ca atare, inca nu s-a identificat cu corpul.
Cand incepe sa articuleze pe la vreo 2 ani, s-a identificat cu corpul dar nu-si da seama ca are o minte inca, evident!
Pe la vreo 5 ani, deja si-a dat seama ca are un corp si o minte si incepe un joc al santajelor si a descoperirilor emotionale date de minte acum.
Bun, majoritatea se opresc la identificarea cu mintea.
Adica ne identificam prin raport cu celalalt, vis-a-vis de ce facem, cum gandim, ce confirmam din toate astea prin rolul social, diplome recunoscute academic, etc.
Ok, cum educatia la nivel institutionalizat nu inseamna decat formare si rol social, ne handicapeaza tocmai de ce eram deja handicapati din nastere, un pacat primordial transgenerational transmis si exprimat natural prin modul in care incepem sa ne percepem si sa ne identificam in aceasta lume.
Adica de identificarea cu sinele.
Ceva de genul dupa ce ca ne uitam noi din nastere intr-o directie gresita, vine educatia sa complice si mai mult lucrurile.
Ce e sinele? Avem numai definitii. Concret, toata lumea il cauta, nimeni nu-l gaseste!
De ce e atat de greu?
Pai, pentru ca ai fost invatat in primul rand sa-i asculti pe altii si nu pe tine!
Unele persoane la care nu din greseala a tipat sinele la ele si si-au inteles vocea din cap, au dreptul de a-si educa copiii in consecinta, educand mai departe identificarea cu sinele in dauna celorlalte.
De ce?
Pentru ca daca nu au aceasta identificare au o neliniste si daca o au, au gasit acel loc pe care toata lumea il cauta.
Si-l cauta natural, precum o floare cauta sa infloreasca.
Si asta este educatie.
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