

Besides the questions related to money and how we support ourselves, there are questions related to education and the future of our children. 

More exactly, who and where would hire them without the school. 

Aris wants to be a miner and Ana wants to help him, that is to be a miner helper. 

They want, during their lifetime, to extract all there is to be extracted and with the help of their work, the industry will thin out the ozone layer so the sun can burn all transgenic crops. 

The air, already too polluted and depleted of oxygen, would get irrespirable and not enough for everybody. 

Carla, on the other hand, wants to start a business. She has already started working on a printer for instant-pizza and sushi. 

Oh, and she also wants to sell fresh air packed in biodegradable alfalfa bags. 

I am staying out of their decisions, they will do as they please.

In the meantime, they speak 4 languages, write, read, and can’t extract a square root. 

I tried to teach them, but they won’t get past the fact that the square doesn’t have roots. 

The socializing goes extraordinary for all three of them. 

Their… behinds would talk if you allow them, if not, they will stay put on their behinds. 

They are good listeners, too.

Other than that, nothing, they are happy…


In afara intrebarilor legate de bani si cum ne intretinem urmeaza setul intrebarilor legate de educatia si viitorul copiilor nostri.

Adica unde si cine o sa-i angajeze pe ei fara scoala.

Aris vrea sa se faca miner iar Ana vrea sa-l ajute, adica ajutor de miner.

Isi doresc ca pe perioada vietii lor, sa extraga ce-a mai ramas de extras si cu ajutorul muncii lor, industria sa subtieze stratul de ozon in asa fel incat soarele sa arda orice cultura transgenica.

Aerul si asa rarefiat si ultra poluat, sa fie irespirabil si sa nu ajunga la toti. Carla in schimb vrea sa intre in afaceri.

De pe acum lucreaza la o imprimanta pentru sushi si pizza la minut.

A, si-si mai doreste sa vanda aer curat, ambalat in pungi biodegradabile de lucerna.

Eu, nu ma bag, faca ce vor, numa’ fericiti sa fie!

Intre timp, ei vorbesc patru limbi, scriu, citesc si nu pot extrage radacina patrata.

Am incercat sa-i invat dar ei o tin pe a lor ca patratul nu are radacini!

Cu socializarea stau bine toti trei.

Le vorbeste si sezutul daca-i bagi in seama, daca nu, stau cuminti pe sezutul lor.

In rest, nimic, sunt fericiti…

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