Becka, black romanian cat


Overjoyed by the thought that Rio is there, waiting for us, we woke up smiling and ready to go. After breakfast, we had our coffee and a walk on the beach that has been our courtyard for two weeks. And we planned our roadmap to Rio. 
The car is small, we are many so we got busy changing the camping mode to driving mode. Make the bed, take the things from the front and put them in the back, chess-like castling and tetrix moves and two hours later we were ready to hit the road. 
Everything very slowly, but happy and joyful. When we were saying goodbye to our Argentinian friends we noticed Becka was missing.

The cat, the cat is gone, where is the cat? We split into two teams, me and Aris went towards the city, Lavinia and the girls to the camping across the street.

The one who finds her first will get a fresh coconut to drink its cool, sweet water. The ladies and the knights meet back at the car and guess what? Nobody gets to drink coconut water.

The cat is still missing. We all decided that the cat is not going to spoil our mood so we postponed the leaving for tomorrow.

After all, when the cat’s away… no samba will play!


Bucurosi din cale afara ca Rio ne asteapta, ne-am trezit cu zambetul pe buze si cu chef de duca. Dupa micul dejun, ne-am baut cafeaua plimbandu-ne pe plaja ce ne-a fost drept curte doua saptamani. Asa ne-am planuit traseul catre Rio. 

Masina-i mica, noi suntem multi asa ca ne-am pus pe treaba pentru a schimba modulul de campat pe modulul de drum. 

Strange patul, muta lucrurile din spate in fata si din fata in spate, rocade ca la sah si mutari de tetrix si in doua ore eram gata de atacat soseaua. 

Totul lent, linistit dar voiosi si fericiti. 

Cand sa ne luam la revedere de la vecinii si prietenii nostri argentinieni, observam ca Becka nu-i! 

Pisica, nu e pisica, unde-i pisica?! 

Ne organizam pe echipe, eu cu Aris inspre centru, Lavinia cu fetele inspre camping-ul de peste drum. Cine-o gaseste primul va primi o nuca de cocos verde sa-i bea apa cea dulce si gustoasa. Se intalnesc zmeoaicele cu greucenii la masina dupa un timp si ce crezi?! 

Egalitate, nimeni nu bea apa de cocos pentru ca Becka nu-i si pace! 

Am zis ca nu ne strica noua pisica planurile asa ca am hotarat de buna voie si nesiliti de nimeni ca vom pleca maine. 

In final, cand pisica nu-i acasa… o legam cand vine! 

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