

In the last years, my father has visited us about 3 times, once in Peru and twice in Brazil.

Every time he stayed for a month.

In Peru, it was the most spectacular.

I lost him at Machu Picchu, I got to the emergency room because he had an allergic reaction to a spider bite and he was choking and he lost his bag with documents and money but I recovered it in the end.

When I thought that the storm of events passed, he got sick of dysentery and shit on himself for the last two weeks.
The south of Brazil is the most civilized part of Brazil and nothing bad happened.

Last year he stayed with us for two months in Aldeia. He didn’t like it in the jungle at all, the mosquitoes almost killed him and the compost toilet from the yard put the cherry on his comfort.
My father will turn 76 this August and at his age he ventures into adventures like an authentic Indiana Jones.
I was thinking about the Romanians who would visit Brazil but still don’t do it and I did a small research and some simple math calculations, maybe, more Dacians would dare to cross the ocean.
The season in Brazil begins with Christmas and ends with Carnival, meaning the end of February.
Then the summer break also happens.

I would not recommend this period to visit Brazil because it is very hot, very expensive and very crowded. Okay, unless you want to come especially for New Year’s Eve or Carnival.
I recommend the month of September when a Bucharest – Salvador de Bahia flight costs around € 800, round trip, with hold baggage, and all taxes included.

From NYC to Bahia it is around 500$ and from Montreal also around 500$.
Renting a car for a month costs around € 200 and renting a house on the beach costs another € 400-500, also per month but in September, right!?

In a month you have a lot of things to do, in the state of Bahia there are dozens of waterfalls, hundreds of beaches, you can make a road trip to Rio, and if you organize yourself well, you can do a few hikes in Chapada Diamantina.
Send me a mail at gabi@iamfamily.eu to talk on the details, ok?!
Other than that, nothing, all’s good…


In ultimii ani tata ne-a vizitat de vreo 3 ori, o data in Peru si de doua ori in Brazilia.

De fiecare data a stat cate o luna.

In Peru a fost cel mai spectaculos, l-am pierdut la Machu Picchu, am ajuns la urgenta pentru ca a facut o reactie alergica la de la o muscatura de paianjen si se sufoca, si-a pierdut borseta cu acte si bani dar am recuperat-o intr-un final si cand credeam ca apele s-au linistit a facut dezinterie.

Sudul Braziliei este cea mai civilizata parte a Braziliei si nu am avut prea mari animozitati.

Anul trecut a stat cu noi doua luni in Aldeia. Nu i-a placut in jungla deloc, tantarii l-au devastat iar buda din curte i-a pus capac. 

Tata va implini in august 76 de ani si la varsta lui se aventureaza in aventuri mai ceva ca Indiana Jones.

Ma gandeam la romanii care au vizita Brazilia dar totusi nu o fac si am facut niste calcule mici si rapide, poate, poate se incumeta mai multi daci sa treaca oceanul.

Sezonul in Brazilia incepe cu Craciunul si se termina cu Carnavalul, adica sfarsitul lui Februarie.

Atunci se intampla si vacanta mare a elevilor si studentilor.

Eu n-as recomanda aceasta perioada pentru a vizita Brazilia pentru ca este foarte cald, foarte scump si foarte aglomerat.

Bine, asta daca nu cumva vrei sa vi special pentru Revelion sau Carnaval. 

Recomand luna Septembrie cand un zbor de avion Bucuresti – Salvador de Bahia costa in jur de 800€, dus-intors, cu toate taxele incluse si bagaj de cala. 

Sa inchiriezi o masina pentru o luna costa in jur de 200€ iar sa inchiriezi o casa pe plaja, costa alti 400-500€ pe luna.

In luna asta ai ce face, in statul Bahia sunt zeci de cascade, sute de plaje, poti da o fuga si pana-n Rio, si daca te organizezi bine, poti face si cateva drumetii prin Chapada Diamantina. 

Cine are chef de aventura sa-mi trimita un mail la gabi@iamfamily.eu pentru detalii. 

In rest, nimic, toate bune…

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