20 May PARATY – 19 MAY 2019 – MAY DAY!
The beach in Trinidade is very nice. The place is green in all points of view.
Paraty is, on the other hand, different. Not that it’s not green, because it is. Paraty is an old colonial town with clear and vivid remains of the Portuguese architecture.
Narrow and paved streets, tiny houses and imposing churches.
Paraty is bordered by two rivers and it reminds us of Aveiro in Portugal. And not with Venice, as we have heard.
The town exists since the old times of Cabral, is relatively small with no more than 40000 inhabitants.
Last evening we walked through the pedestrian downtown and in the morning we drove around to learn about this city.
Beautiful, stylish but nothing spectacular judging by how much it has been praised to us. We stopped at a pastry shop to have our coffee and learn some information from the local people. We met an old lady from Portuguese descent who had picked up her grandson from school and stopped to spoil him with a cake.
She told us this:
“My children, Paraty is famous for its surroundings, the 65 islands, 300 beaches and tens of waterfalls.”
So, as advised by the lady, we quickly went to find out what’s the deal with the islands.
We enjoy the advantages of the off-season and we could negotiate for a speed boat just for us. We took the dogs with us, we wouldn’t have been at peace with leaving them in the car.
Becka went in the park close to the parking and we let her do just that.
The trip was 5 hour long. We only had time to visit 5 of the islands.
Lavinia and the kids enjoyed the clear waters and the trampoline on the boat.
The dogs didn’t, they are not much into water.
I am more like the dogs, I put my toe in the water and decided it was too cold.
I was the one taking the photos.
We had packed lunches with us. We had water, bananas, nuts so we had everything we needed.
We may sleep in the car, but the day we feast like the kings! ?
We went back together with the sun, tired, but happy.
Plaja din Trinidade este misto. Statiunea este verde, din toate punctele de vedere.
Paraty in schimb este altceva. Nu ca nu este verde, ba dimpotriva. Paraty este un vechi oras colonial cu ramasite clare si vii ale arhitecturii portugheze.
Stradute inguste pietruite cu celebra piatra cubica, casute mici si biserici impunatoare. Paraty este incadrat de catre doua rauri, pe alocuri se poate confunda cu Aveiro din Portugalia.
Nu, nu cu Venetia cum am mai auzit.
Orasul dateaza de pe vremea lui Cabral, este relativ mic si depaseste cu putin 40.000 de locuitori.
Aseara am luat la pas centrul pietonal iar dimineata am dat o tura cu masina sa vedem despre ce-i vorba in orasul asta faimos.
Frumos, cochet dar nimic spectaculos la cat ne-a fost laudat. Ne-am oprit la o patiserie sa ne bem cafeaua si sa ne descretim mintile cu ceva informatii de la localnici.
Am dat peste o batranica cu descendenta portugheza ce se intorsese cu nepotul de la scoala si se oprise sa-l rasfete cu o prajitura.
Si ne-a zis asa:
– Mai copii, Paraty-ul este cunoscut pentru ce-l inconjoara, adica 65 de insule, 300 de plaji si zeci de cascade!
Asa ca la indemnul bunicii, ne-am repezit in port sa vedem cam care-i treaba cu vizitatul insulelor.
Cum ne bucuram de avantajele extra sezonului, am tocmit o salupa doar pentru noi. Am luat si cainii cu noi, altfel nu ne-am fi simtit ok stiindu-i inchisi in masina.
Becka s-a refugiat in parcul din apropierea parcarii asa ca nu ne-am opus.
Excursia a fost de 5 ore, timp in care n-am apucat sa vizitam decat 5 insule.
Lavinia cu copiii s-au bucurat de apele cristaline si de trambulina de pe salupa.
Cainii, nu! Nu sunt fani apa.
Eu seman cu cainii, adica am bagat in apa degetul mare de la piciorul mic si am zis ca-i rece.
Mai bine fac poze!
Mancare ne-am luat la pachet dinainte. Banane aveam, apa, da, alune, da, asa ca n-am dus lipsa de nimic.
Dormim noi in masina dar ziua ne respectam ca regii! ?
Ne-am intors odata cu soarele, pe seara, obositi dar fericiti.
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