

We only stayed in Rio for 10 days. We only made connections with people who live or lived in favelas. 

When you live in a car with 3 kids, 2 dogs, and a cat, only a few want to talk to you. Funny how many people give us a bad look for keeping Oscar tied to the car. They think it’s awful. 

Funny thing how the same people don’t notice the homeless next to Oscar. 

I think that people love more the dogs than their own kind. 

People living in favelas don’t use this word, they call it communities. The word “favela” is used only by the ones not living there. 

The basic rule in the favela is no stealing. They don’t have locks to their doors or windows. 

If you steal, you die.

The community is an illegally occupied land, where the electricity is illegally obtained. There is water, but there are no sewers. 

When a man doesn’t have food for his kids, he turns into a beast. 

Communities are a consequence of the inequalities between men, created by men. Dogs feel people, what do people feel? 

The hardest thing today was to part with our friends in the communities and the ones living on houses on wheels like us. 

There have been tears. Sincere, unstable, pointless and unstoppable. 

I keep seeing written on cars “Jesus vai volar!”, meaning Jesus will come back. 

I believe that if he does come back, we won’t crucify him again because we are more civilized. 

But he will get for sure either to jail or to the mental hospital for the disturbance of public peace. 

Maybe if Che Guevara come back we might stand a chance!


N-am stat in Rio decat 10 zile. Ne-am conectat aici doar cu oamenii care stau sau au stat in favele. 

Cand locuiesti intr-o masina cu trei copii doi caini si o pisica, putini te baga in seama. 

Ciudat este ca multi se uita revoltati ca uneori il tinem pe Oscar legat de masina. 

Li se pare odios. 

Interesant este faptul ca aceiasi oameni nu vad homelesii de langa Oscar. 

Mi se pare ca oamenii iubesc mai mult cainii decat pe semenii lor.

Cei care stau in favele nu folosesc cuvantul favela, ei le spun comunitati. Cuvantul favela este folosit de cei care nu stau in favela. Regula de baza din comunitati este ca nu se fura. Nu au nici incuietori la casa si nici geamuri. 

Daca furi, mori.

Comunitatea este un spatiu ocupat abuziv, unde curentul este furat. Apa mai exista, dar canalizare nu. 

Cand un om nu are ce da la copii de mancare, devine caine. 

Comunitatile sunt o consecinta a inegalitatii intre oameni, creata de oameni. 

Cainii simt oamenii, oamenii ce simt? 

Cel mai greu ne-a fost astazi sa ne despartim de prietenii nostri din comunitati si de cei asemeni noua care au casa pe roti. 

S-a lasat cu lacrimi. 

Sincere, labile, fara motiv si de nestavilit. 

Tot vad inscriptionat pe masini “Jesus vai voltar!” adica Isus de va intoarce. 

Cred ca daca se intoarce nu-l va mai rastigni nimeni ca ne-am civilizat. Dar cu siguranta ajunge ori la ospiciu ori la inchisoare pentru deranjarea linistii publice si manifestatii neautorizate. 

Poate cu Che Guevara daca se intoarce, sa mai fie o sansa! 

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