We spent last night helping the fishermen that host us in their yard on the beach. They came back around 11 pm with a boat full of fish caught in the fishing net, a huge fishing net in my humble opinion, 200m long by 8m wide and 9cm rings. The catch was of about 30kg of fish, I don’t know what kind, you can see them in the pictures. We came back to the car late at night, each with his own reward of one fish for his effort.
In the morning, to our surprise, we found that we had been visited by St Nicolas, right here in Brazil. If he found us that far away there is no doubt that he exists! Nutella, a jar for each of us.
Mom, the jar of Nutella is $5 in the supermarket, but this one from St Nicolas is priceless because it’s filled with a different energy. So we told the kids to eat mindfully lest they should feel sick afterwards! It’s not regular Nutella, it’s St Nicolas Nutella! He also brought us fruits trying to tell us this way how important it is to eat fruits.
The fruits from him are the most special in the world. So we ate Nutella and then fruits and we got so much cosmic boost that Erico found a house for us through his sister, available right away for rent, not far away from where we are now and only 300m away from the beach. We were very eager to see the house, but Erico’s sister works until late in the evening so we tried to teach ourselves a lesson on patience. Luckily, there came Vlad, a friend of Erico, who offered to guide us there to see the house on his way home.
Very quick, we pushed the Combi drained of energy like a Dacia 1300 and after only 2m it starts with a cloud of smoke. We arrive, we see, we like, we take. This is us. With lots of plans, very interchangeable and always open for a new one. So after 9 years in the Combi we want to settle for a year, change the energy. Lavinia will lose herself in the memories of the 7 years since we left our native country in order to put them on paper in a story.
Carla will finish her webpage. Aris will practice surfing, video and his website and I will play with Ana.
I will also try surfing because I promised. This place is like a heaven on earth, with beach and virgin forest, with incredible places, people and stories. As we are not selfish to keep them only for us, we will put them online for everybody to see them.
When we got back, all happy, the icing on the cake… Maxi, our friend, “El Argentino”, the ambassador of Bio Guia, was waiting for us with Oscar in his arms.
I must tell you that for 5 months we have been traveling in tandem. So we developed a friendship stronger than one of a lifetime. Special. So we had a bbq to fry the fish that we gained and savor them around stories and with a spritz of vino verde on the folding chairs.
What do you mean “where”?
On the beach, of course! 🙂
Noaptea trecuta am petrecut-o ajutand pescarii ce ne gazduiesc cu drag in curtea lor de pe plaja.
S-au intors pe la vreo 11 noaptea cu barca plina de peste prins cu un navod imens dupa parerea mea necunoscatoare, cu dimensiunile de 200m lungime, 8m latime si cu ochiul de 9 cm. Vreo 30 de kg de peste a fost captura ca sa zic asa, n-am retinut denumirile pestilor dar ii puteti vedea in poze. Ne-am intors toti spre masina noaptea tarziu, fiecare fiind premiat cu cate un peste pentru eforturile depuse.
Dimineata, spre surprinderea noastra Mos Nicolae ne-a vizitat si in Brazilia. Daca ne-a gasit tocmai aici in curtea lui Erico, inseamna ca exista, nu mai incape indoiala!
Nutela frate, cate un borcan pentru fiecare. Mama, la supermarket borcanul de 350g este 5 $ dar Nutela asta de la Mos Nicolae e nepretuita pentru ca este incarcata cu o energie aparte. Asta le-am zis si copiilor, mancati cu bagare de seama ca o sa vi se faca rau! Nu e Nutela normala, e de la Mos Nicolae! Ne-a adus mai multe fructe pentru ca a vrut sa ne arate ce este mai important pentru noi ca sa mancam.
Fructele de la Mos Nicolae sunt cele mai speciale din lume! Asa ca ne-am infruptat din dulciuri si am stins cu fructe si am prins atata avant cosmic incat Erico ne-a gasit o casa prin sora lui, disponibila imediat pentru inchiriat, nu departe de locul in care suntem si la doar 300m de plaja. Eram disperati sa vedem casa dar sora lui Erico munceste pana seara tarziu asa ca ne gandeam cu tristete ca o sa trebuiasca sa avem o lectie de rabdare. Ca prin minune apare Vlad, un prieten de-al lui Erico, ce ne invita sa ne conduca pana la casa cu pricina, el locuind foarte aproape de locul respectiv.
Zis si facut, impingem Combi-ul supt de energie si ca Daciile 1300 in numai 2 metri porneste intr-un nor de fum. Fuga, fuga, ajungem, vedem, ne place si acceptam.
Asta ne este stilul. Cu multiple planuri, interschimbabile intre ele si fara probleme daca rasare vreunul nou. Asa ca, dupa 9 luni de Combi, ne oprim pentru un an, schimbam energia, Lavinia se va pierde prin memorii pentru a le pune pe hartie intr-o poveste ai celor 7 ani de cand am plecat de acasa, cum, ce si de ce cu detalii misto si interesante.
Carla se apuca de site-ul ei, Aris se apuca de surf, video si de asemenea site-ul lui, iar eu o sa ma joc cu Ana. Ma apuc si de surfing, ca doar asa am zis, nu?! In plus locul asta e un fel de Rai pe Pamant cu plaja si padure virgina, cu locuri, oameni si povesti incredibile. Cum nu ne place sa le pastram doar pentru noi le vom pune online sa le cunoasca o lume intreaga:)
Cand ne-am intors fericiti de super ziua pe care am avut-o, cireasa de pe tort, Maxi, prietenul nostru, “El Argentino”, Ambasadorul de la Bio Guia, ne astepta cu Oscar in brate.
Trebuie sa va spun ca de 5 luni calatorim “la sufa” in jargon sau impreuna cu mici pauze sa inteleaga si mama. Asa ca s-a legat o prietenie cum, nu se leaga intr-o viata! Speciala.
Asa ca ne-am pus pe un gratar, sa ardem pestii primiti in dar si sa-i savuram la povesti cu un vin verde spritz, pe scaunele pliante. Cum unde?!?!
Exact, pe plaja! 🙂
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