

Today I lost my words.

I’m trying to find them now, but I can not.

Waterfall, lagoon, beach,  ocean, are the only ones flashing my mind.

We’re exhausted after a wonderful day.

After half an hour in front of my laptop I realize I can not articulate the keys. I will also let them rest.

I’ll come back tomorrow with more words, pictures and a video.

Astazi am ramas fara cuvinte.

Incerc sa mi le regasesc acum dar nu pot. Cascada, laguna, plaja, ocean cam atat imi iese.

Ne-am intors epuizati dupa o zi minunata.

Dupa o jumatate de ora petrecuta in fata laptop-ului imi dau seama ca nu pot articula tastele. Le voi lasa si pe ele sa se odihneasca.

Revin maine cu mai multe cuvinte, imagini si un video.

1 Comment
  • Valentin Huciu
    Posted at 06:47h, 02 March Reply

    Da, e o mică diferență de perspectivă. La noi au fost -12 grade ieri :))) Have fun!

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