

Time flies quicker than thoughts. It’s already 10 days since we arrived in Saquarema and it feels like it was yesterday. We will stay for a few days more to enjoy the beach and the waves. 

The Saquarema Surf Association adopted us and offered us a shaded parking spot, access to bathroom and showers and, not least, access to the internet to surf even when we are not surfing. 

Today was the day of Brazilian gourmet parties, and we received lunch from a man and dinner from another, on top of the already ordered ones from the restaurant. 

I was walking Piccolina in the parking lot of the Association and a guy comes and asks me if we are parked here. I hesitated an answer thinking that he might want to come park near us. I shyly nod a yes and he asks if we would like a lunch. Fish, salad, pirão, seafood pasta. 

I look at him a little baffled and ask why, do we look like we need one?

I was thinking that I was thin, the dog skinny, what might he think, let’s feed these people, they have 3 kids and a dog big as a cow. Lavinia is a normal figure, we won’t count her. 

He answers that no, he had a party and ordered more meals than they needed and he would be very happy if we accepted. 

What kind of fish was it?!

After the seafood pasta we went into the ocean and got out only at sunset. 

The part with the guy with the dinner I won’t tell you about, it implies a little bragging and I’m surely not into it. 


It’s been another beautiful day, much time passed, beautiful time remained!

Zboara zilele mai repede decat gandurile. Au trecut deja 10 zile de cand suntem in Saquarema si parca ieri am ajuns. Vom mai zabovi cateva zile sa ne bucuram de plaja si valuri. 

Asociatia de Surf din Saquarema ne-a adoptat si ne-a oferit un loc umbrit in parcare, acces la baie si dusuri si nu in ultimul rand internet, sa surfam si cand nu surfam.

Astazi a fost ziua petrecerilor gastronomice braziliene, am primit pranzul de la un nene, iar cina de la un alt nene in conditiile in care Lavinia le comandase deja pe amandoua, de dimineata, de la restaurantul de peste drum.

O plimbam pe Piccolina prin parcarea Asociatiei si vine un tip si ma intreaba daca suntem campati aici. M-am cam fastacit sa-i raspund, luandu-ma mintea pe dinainte ca poate vrea si el sa campeze langa noi si eu nu stiu ce sa-i spun.

Dau din cap timid in semn ca da dupa care el ma intreaba daca accept un pranz. Peste, salate, pirao, paste cu fructe de mare. 

Ma uit eu chioras la el si-l intreb de ce, parem ca avem nevoie?! Ma gandeam ca eu slab, cainele mai slab decat prevede norma, ce-o fi zis omu’ hai sa-i hranesc pe somalezii astia ca mai au si trei copii si un caine cat o vaca! Lavinia e in limitele normalului, pe ea n-o punem.

Imi raspunde ca nu, a avut o petrecere si i-au ramas cateva meniuri pe care le-a platit deja si s- ar bucura daca le-am accepta.

Si ce peste ziceai ca e?!

Dupa pastele cu fructe de mare am intrat in mare si nu am mai iesit decat tarziu, dupa apusul soarelui. Cu nenea de pe seara nu va mai povestesc ca e cu laudaturi si nu-mi place.

A mai trecut o zi misto, mult a fost, frumos a ramas!

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