

Two days ago we were talking about the advantages of being late travelers and the connection with our neighbor Sal.

Yesterday, he passed by our house to announce that he will enroll in some courses offered by Bombinhas City Hall. Although he is a musician, he doesn’t miss a chance to expand his musical knowledge. A well nourished passion becomes fat and beautiful as my grandmother would say and his passion wears clothes with two of XX and one L!

And as beautiful passions are also contagious we went with Sal to see what classes they have and if we can join us, too.

Guess what? Carla and Lavinia go to Art Theater, Ana and Aris to painting and I chose the violin because they didn’t have any  cimbalom classes!

Arts are expressions of the soul and we want to let the soul express itself! Brazil is a paradise. The symbiosis of people, art and nature, sprinkled with good mood, ocean and sun, makes this country a shawarma for the soul with everything!

Tomorrow we were invited by Uncle Sal to a deserted beach named “The Sad Beach”. It is said that the name came after the sadness of the people at the time of saying goodbye to this wonder of nature. We’ve got to go for two hours through the jungle and we have to wake up early in the morning. I’ll be back tomorrow with pictures and details.

Acu’doua zile in urma va povesteam de avantajele calatorilor intarziati si de legatura noastra cu vecinul  Sal.

Vine ieri sa ne anunte ca el se va inscrie la niste cursuri oferite de Primaria din Bombinhas. Cu toate ca este muzician, nu pierde nicio sansa in a-si mari bagajul de cunostinte muzicale. O pasiune bine hranita, e grasa si frumoasa cum ar spune bunica mea si pasiunea lui poarta haine cu doi de XX si un L!

Si cum pasiunile frumoase sunt si contagioase am fost cu Sal sa vedem ce clase au si daca ne putem inscrie si noi.

Ce credeti, Carla cu Lavinia merg la Arta Teatrala, Ana cu Aris la pictura iar eu pentru ca nu aveau tzambal, am ales vioara!

Artele sunt expresii ale sufletului si noi ne dorim sa-l lasam sa se exprime! Brazilia este un paradis. Simbioza dintre oameni, arta si natura, presarata cu buna dispozitie, ocean si soare, face din tara asta  o shawarma pentru suflet cu de toate!

Maine am fost invitati de nenea Sal la o plaja pustie pe nume “Plaja Trista”. Se spune ca denumirea i-a venit dupa tristetea oamenilor la momentul despartirii de aceasta minunatie a naturii. Avem de mers vreo doua ore prin jungla si trebuie sa ne trezim de dimineata.

Revin maine cu poze si detalii.

1 Comment
  • Valentin Huciu
    Posted at 08:48h, 01 March Reply

    Frumos și adevărat

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