Today we attended the celebration of little Munay. He is a happy kid that just turned 4. The road to Laura’s farm was a little bumpy.
8 kilometers of unpaved road, holes, mud, a real massage for our liver.
Laura’s farm is a little paradise. She has a small lake, tens of big coconut trees looking like giant dandelions and a lot of fruit trees, flowers and aromatic plants.
When you look around you see hundreds of shades of green with spots of color from the fruits and flowers.
Martin, Laura’s husband, is a tall, thin Argentinian, with long hair and a pair of eyes that always smile.
He is a specialist in medical music.
Meaning that he heals and unblocks the energetic blockages with music vibrations.
For the first time I experienced the sounds of a crystal bowl.
He explained me that energetic blockages have somatic effects on the body.
He compared the human body to a guitar and, like the instrument, the body can go dissonant that he tunes with musical instruments.
After the sacred music lesson we had lunch.
The kids ran in the rain until they looked as if they had come out of the pool and, of course, they asked for dry clothes.
We changed their clothes and then they started running in the rain again.
After the cake we regrouped for leaving.
We set on the bumpy road again and in the evening we were home.
Other than that, nothing, all’s good…
Astazi am fost sa-l sarbatorim pe micutul Munay. Plin de fericire el a implinit 4 anisori frumosi. Drumul pana la ferma Laurei a fost cam anevoios.
8 kilometri de drum neasfaltat, presarat cu gropi, baltoci si noroi, ne-a masat gentil ficatul. Ferma Laurei este un mic paradis.
Are un lac micut, zeci de cocotieri vanjosi ce par papadii imense si o multitudine de alti copaci fructiferi, flori si plante aromatice.
Cand te uiti in jur vezi sute de nuante de verde din care rasar strident culorile fructelor si al florilor.
Martin, sotul Laurei este un argentinian inalt si slabut, cu par lung si ochi ce zambesc mereu. El este specialist in medicina muzicala.
Adica trateaza si deblocheaza blocajele energetice cu vibratiile muzicii.
Pentru pima data am vazut si am auzit cum suna un bol de cristal.
Mi-a explicat ca blocajele energetice au efecte somatice la nivelul corpului.
Compara el corpul uman cu o chitara si la fel ca si instrumentul muzical, si corpul intra intr-o disonanta pe care el o regleaza cu diferite instrumente muzicale.
Dupa lectia de muzica sacra am purces sa mancam.
Copiii s-au alergat prin ploaie pana au aratat ca scosi din piscina dupa care, normal, au cerut haine seci.
I-am schimbat dupa care au inceput sa alerge din nou, prin ploaie.
Dupa tort ne-am regrupat pe format de plecare.
Am reluat drumul oaselor si pe seara am ajuns cu bine acasa.
In rest, nimic, toate bune…
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