Somebody said one of the school’s roles is to socialize.
I can’t find a more stupid thing than this. School forces them to socialize also with persons they don’t like and this way they later become false adults.
There are likes and dislikes without a logical explanation and inter-human relationships should be free, sincere and based on mutual respect.
These relationships can’t happen but freely.
Make 2 persons meet every day and stay together for 6 hours a day, 5 days a week. Can you call this free relationship?
Today the kids made new friends. They saw each other, liked each other and played together until late.
They swam, they watched the surfers and we took the day off. Not completely off, off from the playing and fooling around in the water and we turned into remote watchers.
Aris held hands with a girl, they dove into waves together, Ana was carried all day by a tanned big guy and Carla played with a tiny boy.
Tomorrow they fixed another meeting after school. On another topic, this surfing thing got into me and I searched for a surfboard crafting school. I am very curious about the outcome.
Yesterday when I was training Aris in the water I was mistaken for a surf teacher and was asked by a couple about where and how I train.
I answered that I was busy with the boy and I was not free.
I guided them to the Saquarema Surf School.
Jose Mourinho has never played football, but still, he is one of the world’s greatest coaches.
The rule can apply to surf also! I could never step on the board, but people want me to be a teacher.
Who knows?! ?
Cineva spunea ca unul dintre rolurile scolii ar fi cel de socializare.
Nu cred ca exista idiotenie mai mare decat asta.
Scoala-i forteaza sa socializeze si cu cine nu le place si uite-asa devin mai tarziu adulti falsi.
Exista antipatii si simpatii fara vreo explicatie logica si relatiile inter umane ar trebui sa fie libere, sincere si bazate pe respect reciproc.
Aceaste relatii nu pot avea loc decat liber.
Pune doua persoane sa se intalneasca zilnic si sa stea una in proximitatea celeilalte timp de 6 ore/ zi, 5 zile pe saptamana.
Poti numi asta, relatie libera?!
Astazi copiii si-au facut noi prieteni. S-au vazut, s-au placut si s-au jucat impreuna pana seara. S-au balacit, s-au ajutat la surf iar noi ne-am luat liber.
Nu liber de tot, liber de la joaca si balaceala si ne-am transformat in supraveghetori de la distanta.
Aris s-a tinut de mana cu o fetita, s-au aruncat in valuri impreuna, Ana a fost carata in spate de un vlajgan mai bronzat, iar Carla a ras toata ziua cu un pispirel.
Maine si-au dat intalnire din nou, dupa scoala!
In alta ordine de idei, atat ce m-a prins treaba asta cu surfing-ul ca m-am interesat sa fac un curs sa invat sa fabric placi de surf.
Tare curios sunt sa vad ce-o sa iasa!
Ieri cand il antrenam pe Aris in apa am fost luat drept profesor de surf si un cuplu mi-a cerut detalii despre unde si cum antrenez.
Am spus ca sunt ocupat cu pustiul si nu am timp. I-am indrumat catre Scoala de Surf din Saquarema.
Jose Murinho nu a jucat niciodata fotbal si a ajuns unul dintre cei mai mari antrenori de fotbal din lume.
Se poate repeta figura la surf!
N-am reusit eu sa ma urc pe placa dar lumea ma vrea antrenor!
Cine stie?! ?
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