

Carla will be fifteen in a month. Here, in Brazil, girls become women at fifteen and they have a huge party.

The custom is that the dad takes off her sneakers and puts on high heels. Next on the customs list is a dance in which the girl starts with the father and ends with the boyfriend. 

It means that half the song she dances with her father and then he passes her to the boyfriend. 

In Romania is harder to become a woman. I heard my grandmother several times calling a 50-year old friend an old miss. 

Anyway, the conclusion is the same, that you become a woman after…!

In Brazil, they let them earlier, while in Romania only the official versions are accepted.

In Aledia we don’t have this problem, high heels are futile, I will replace her sneakers with some wellies, we have so much mud you’ll sink anyway.

Other than that, nothing, all’s good…



Carla va face 15 ani intr-o luna. Aici, in Brazilia, fetele devin femei la 15 ani cand li se organizeaza o petrecere imensa. 

Prin datina, tatal ii scoate adidasii si-i inlocuieste cu pantofi cu toc. Urmeaza pe lista ceremoniala dansul pe care fata-l incepe cu tatal si-l termina cu prietenul. 

Adica fata jumatate de melodie o danseaza cu tati, care-o preda ulterior pe fetita la prieten. 

In Romania e ceva mai complicat sa devii femeie. Nu de multe ori am auzit-o eu pe mamaie ca- i spunea unei prietene de 50 de ani, fata mare.

In fine, in ambele tari concluzia este doar una, femeie devii numai dupa ce te… !

In Brazilia se da drumul mai devreme pe cand in Romania nu sunt luate in calcul decat variantele oficiale.

In Aldeia stam linistiti pentru ca pantofii cu toc sunt impracticabili iar de ziua ei o sa-i reinnoiesc cizmele de cauciuc. La cat noroi este, te afunzi si cu alea!

In rest, nimic, toate bune…

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