

Today the school has started in Romania. For a society to become a consumer one, the consumer must be educated. That is why the enrollment for information input is mandatory, with a scoring system based on competition and delimitation between friends. 

During childhood I don’t think there should be obstacles, tests or comparisons, I think there should be only dreams and play. Children should spend quality time with their parents. Education should be a family role, based on family values with ancestral ties and energetic load specific to the family history and not a duty or social norm. 

Don’t get me wrong, knowledge and school, especially the higher-education and specific fields are welcome and useful, but when introduced forcefully and institutionally it creates robots. 

At 6 I would rather my Mom held me in my arms and talked to me about world and things, not wake me up much too early and send me among strangers in the cold. Society is a money game where we learn to listen, obey and want things, starting as a little child. 

The bad part is that in all this social web and the way it is structured, we lose ourselves. Nobody talks to you about who you are and how to discover yourself. 

The multiplication table should not be learnt before learning how to broom, making an omelette or caring for a plant. 

Other than that, nothing, we’ve been to the beach.



Astazi a inceput scoala in Romania. Pentru ca o societate sa devina de consum, consumatorul trebuie educat.

De aceea este obligatorie inregimentarea pentru introducerea de informatii, cu sistem de notare tip concurs individual si cu delimitare intre prieteni.

In copilarie nu cred ca ar trebui sa existe obstacole, teste sau comparatii, cred ca ar trebui sa existe numai visuri si joaca.

Copiii ar trebui sa stea cu parintii, sa aibe timp de calitate petrecut impreuna.

Educatia ar trebui sa fie un rol al familiei, bazat pe valorile familiei cu legaturi ancestrale si incarcatura energetica specifica istoriei neamului fiecaruia, nu o obligatie si o norma sociala.

Sa nu ma intelegeti gresit, cunostintele si scoala, mai ales cea universitara si de specialitate sunt bine venite si benefice doar ca introduse obligatoriu si in forma inregimentata, institutionalizata, creeaza roboti.

La 6 ani mi-as fi dorit ca mama sa ma tina in brate si sa-mi vorbeasca despre lume si despre lucruri, nu sa ma trezeasca cu noaptea in cap si sa ma trimita printre straini prin frig. 

Societatea este un joc pe bani in care invatam sa ascultam, sa ne supunem si sa ne dorim lucruri, de mici.

Partea proasta este ca in tot acest angrenaj social si in modul in care este el structurat, ne pierdem de noi. 

Nu iti vorbeste nimeni despre cine esti si cum sa te descoperi.

Tabla inmultirii nu ar trebui invatata inainte sa stii sa dai cu matura, sa faci o omleta sau sa ai grija de o planta.

In rest, nimic, am fost pe plaja.

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