The school is said to help children socialize.
When I was in school, during class there was no talking, only listening. Socializing at school takes place in 10-minute breaks, after which you sit still for the next 50 minutes.
Well done boy, good boy!
If there’s a kid at school you can’t stand, that’s it! You have nowhere to go, there is nothing you can do.
Like adults, children have preferences in choosing friends. With some, they get along better and with others less.
This cannot happen at school.
Well done boy, good boy!
The school is the instructional tool of the social mechanism. Children are trapped in an obtuse and outdated system.
Grandma learned exactly what my nephew learns at school, and that shows that the system has not evolved.
When did Sigismund of Luxembourg rule? What is green euglena? What does Thales’ theorem sound like?
I am convinced that in school you could answer these questions but now why did you forget them?
Probably because you never used them. Now I wonder, wasn’t that time wasted?
No, because you socialized!
Did you know that in school you learn to be competitive?
What’s school good for?
Well, to want to become someone.
But to become a cool nobody, where can this be learnt?!
Do you want to talk about individuality, creativity?
Do you know Tudor Chirila’s song, “I don’t feel like it today”?
What about Grasu XXL, “Not today”?
Maybe tomorrow!
Other than that, nothing, all’s good…
Se spune despre scoala ca ea ar ajuta copiii sa socializeze.
Pe vremea cand eram eu in scoala, in timpul orei nu se vorbea, se asculta.
Socializarea de la scoala se intampla in pauzele de 10 minute dupa care, sezi nemiscat pentru urmatoarele 50 de minute.
Bravo baiatu’, cuminte baiatu’!
Daca e un nasol la scoala pe care nu-l suporti, asta e!
N-ai unde sa te duci, n-ai ce sa faci.
La fel ca si adultii, copiii au preferinte in a-si alege prietenii. Cu unii se inteleg mai bine iar cu altii mai putin.
Asta nu se poate intampla si la scoala.
Bravo baiatu, cuminte baiatu!
Scola este unealta de instructie a mecanismului social.
Copiii sunt blocati intr-un sistem obtuz si depasit.
Mamaie a invatat exact ce invata nepotul meu la scoala, iar asta denota ca sistemul nu a oevoluat.
Cand a domnit Sigismund de Luxemburg?
Ce este euglena verde?
Cum suna teorema lui Thales?
Sunt convins ca in scoala puteati raspunde la aceste intrebari dar acum de ce le-ati uitat? Probabil ca nu v-au folosit niciodata.
Acum eu ma intreb, oare acel timp nu a fost pierdut?
Ba nu, ca ati socializat!
Stiati ca in scoala se invata competitivitatea?
La ce e buna?
Pai, sa-ti doresti sa fii cineva.
Dar sa devii un nimeni misto, unde se invata doamna?!
Sa mai vorbim de individualitate, creativitate?
Stiti melodia lui Tudor Chirila, “Nu am chef azi”?
Dar a lui Grasu XXL, “Azi NU”?
Poate maine!
In rest, nimic, toate bune…
Posted at 20:11h, 03 JuneFelicitări! E o bucurie să văd oameni liberi!