The Universe is talking to you, you just have to listen.
Usually, at the beginning of the year, we take one day and do the family vision board. This year this hadn’t happened until today.
We kept listening to the Universe telling us it was not the time yet. After yesterday’s decisions we gathered this morning, we sprayed the place with Florida Water to chase away the funny spirits and we sat down in a circle.
We threw on the floor magazines, newspapers, glue, glitter, scissors and ribbons, we looked each other in the eyes and asked ourselves: “what would you want to accomplish by the end of this year?”
Each looked deep inside and with the whispers of his soul answered back.
But let’s go back and explain what is a vision board.
It is a board on which we put 10 goals divided into 5 categories: family, health, relationship, career, and love.
You think of them profoundly and whether you want to quit smoking, talk more to your mother or start jogging, you take the idea out of your mind and put it on paper. First in words and then as an image.
This way that desire already starts to materialize, going from the imagination to the real. This will help you visualize and also not forget what you set your mind to.
The next step is to start working together with the Universe because it helps but won’t do it for you.
If you want to exchange your car for the last model of Ferrari and you wait for the Universe to do it for you, surprise, it won’t!
But it will work with you, for you, if it sees you working constantly for this.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry said that “A goal without a plan is just a wish”.
For each of the 10 things on the vision board, you have to roughly sketch a road-map. With every step you take the Universe pushes that thing towards you.
You have to be present and pay attention to situations and synchronizing.
The Universe will help!
This is how the kids learn to be the creators of their own life, to be the painter, the canvas and the colors at the same time.
They have the example of last years’ vision boards on which they can clearly see what they realized from the board and what they did for those things to come to life or didn’t do.
On my list, this year is to get to Colombia. The first step is to get moving.
I also put on my list to talk more to my mother. I’ve called her today and already spoke to her more!
Other than that, nothing, all’s good…
Universul vorbeste cu tine, trebuie doar sa-l asculti.
In mod normal la inceputul fiecarui an ne rezervam o zi si ne facem vizion board-ul in familie. Anul acesta nu s-a intamplat, ma rog, pana astazi!
Am ascultat Universul care ne-a tot spus ca nu este momentul inca. Dupa deciziile de ieri ne-am adunat dis de dimineata, am parfumat locul cu Apa de Florida pentru a goni spiritele buclucase si ne-am asezat in cerc.
Am aruncat pe jos reviste si ziare, lipici, sclipici, foarfeci si panglici, ne-am uitat fiecare in ochii celuilalt si ne-am intrebat:
– Tu, ce ai dori sa realizezi pana la finalul de an?
Fiecare s-a uitat adanc in interiorul lui si cu soaptele sufletului a raspuns.
Dar sa revin si sa explic ce inseamna un vision board.
Practic, este un carton sau o foaie de hartie, pe care-ti pui 10 obiective, impartite in 5 categorii: familie, sanatate, relatii, cariera si dragoste.
Te gandesti profund la fiecare dintre ele si fie ca iti doresti sa vorbesti mai mult cu mama, sa te lasi de fumat sau fie ca vrei sa te apuci de alergat, scoti dorinta din minte si o pui pe hartie. Intai in cuvinte apoi gasesti o imagine ce exprima acel lucru.
In acest fel, acea dorinta deja a inceput sa se materializeze, iesind din imaginatie si fiind exprimata in real, in fizic. Acest lucru te va ajuta sa vizualizezi si sa nu uiti ce-ti propui.
Bun, urmatorul pas este sa lucrezi cu Universul, pentru ca el iti da dar nu-ti baga in sacosa.
Daca vrei sa-ti schimbi masina cu ultimul tip de Ferarri si vei astepta ca Universul sa lucreze singur pentru asta, surpriza, nu o va face! Dar va lucra cu tine, pentru tine daca te vede ca esti constant si faci ceva pentru asta.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery spunea “Un tel fara un plan este doar o dorinta”.
Pentru fiecare punct din cele 10 de pe vision board, trebuie sa faci un plan de atac.
Cu fiecare pas pe care-l faci cu atat Universul impinge acel lucru inspre tine.
Trebuie sa fii prezent si atent la sincronicitati si situatii. Universul te ajuta!
Asa invata copiii sa fie creatorii propriei lor vieti, sa fie si pictorul si panza si pensula in acelasi timp.
Au exemplu vision board-urile de anii trecuti unde vad concret ce li s-a realizat din lista si ce-au facut pentru ca acele lucruri sa se intample in viata lor, sau nu.
Eu am pe lista sa ajungem anul asta in Columbia. Primul pas este sa o luam din loc.
Mai am pe lista sa vorbesc cu mama mai des. Am sunat-o si deja e mai des!
In rest, nimic, toate bune…
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