15 Aug PRADO – 13 AUGUST 2019 – WHALE TAIL
At the Cachaca store across the road, faithful clients come. I know them now after 10 days spent on the borders of river Jucurucu in Prado.
They are great people, but with harsh stories in their past that have derailed them for the rest of their lives.
Their big problem is that they tend to tell the same things all over again, being very exhausting, but in the end, it’s amusing. As a self-declared ex-alcoholic, I understand and pity the phenomenon.
Lavinia, on the other hand, hates alcoholics and heavy drinkers. We’ll leave out the family in this case, ok?
During the morning coffee, Lavinia confessed she is tired of all the idiots in the parks and it’s time for a room in a 5-star hotel, champagne, and a massage.
I said I understood her problem, this is the issue with a big yard, lots of crazy people in it.
The bad part is that I can’t kick them out because the yard is public.
Well, then we are left with one option only: a new chapter of massage and champagne.
But this would be tonight, after the whales.
La magazinul de Cachaça de peste drum vin clienti fideli. I-am invatat in cele 10 zile petrecute pe malul Jucuruçu-ului din Prado.
Sunt oameni misto dar cu povesti grele in spate ce i-au dezaxat pentru tot restul vietii. Marea lor problema este ca se repeta mult si devin obositori dar si asta-i distractiv pana la urma.
In calitate autodeclarata de fost alcoolic, inteleg si compatimesc fenomenul de alcoolism. Lavinia pe de alta parte, nu suporta alcoolicii si pe cei care au probleme cu bautura. Excludem familia aici ca ar insemna ca… nimic, sa trecem peste, da?!
La cafeaua de dimineata, imi atragea atentia Lavinia, ca ea s-a saturat de toti idiotii de prin parcuri si ca-i momentul de-o camera la un hotel de 5 stele cu un pahar de sampanie si masaj. I-am raspuns sa-i inteleg off-urile, asa-i cand ai curtea atat de mare, multi nebuni sar gardul!
Partea naspa e ca nu-i pot da afara pentru ca gradina-i publica!
Pai sa deschidem un nou episod cu masaj si sampanie.
Dar asta diseara, dupa ce ne intoarcem de la balene! ?
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