

What I miss the most are intimacy and healthy food. Our yard is large, but it’s also shared. If somebody passes by and stops to pat the cat or the dogs I am forced to socialize. I’m tired of telling people where we are from, how long we’ve been traveling for and what will the kids do without school. 

I work with myself to be a good person and sometimes I succeed. Today there came a lady and, under the pretext of playing with the dogs, she started questioning us. She stayed with us for breakfast, she remained for coffee, she got to me so bad that I pulled out the board and went surfing. 

Angry, almost 2-meter high waves blended me with the sand and in 2 minutes I was washed ashore. I was actually thinking that I was stupid to go into this turmoil of an ocean, but this half-nuts woman made me lose it. 

The good thing about it is that it made me go in the water and on the board myself. I was pissed all day that the waves were so big and I couldn’t try to surf. Yes, I know that I got you fed up with this surfing thing, but I can’t help it. 

Today I craved macaroni with cheese and sugar. The South Americans, like the Brazilians, Chileans, Peruvians, Argentinians and so on, never heard of sugared macaroni and cheese and they also don’t eat raw red pepper. There is no connection between the macaroni and the red pepper, but it was just another curiosity (for us). 

They don’t eat it raw. Every time we eat raw red bell pepper the Brazilians watch stunned. 

The same look when we put sugar on top of shredded cheese over macaroni. I miss coliva, halva, and eugenii 🙂

In the evening we went out, just the two of us, to a bar on the beach to watch the semifinal of the South American Championship of Nations between Argentine and Brazil. Lavinia had a Corona and I had half a lobster. 

Brazil won. 


Cel mai mult si cel mai mult imi lipseste intimitatea si mancarea sanatoasa. Curtea noastra este mare dar este si comuna. 

Cum ies din masina, dau peste cineva. Daca cineva trece si se opreste sa mangaie pisica sau pe vreunul dintre caini sunt obligat sa socializez. 

M-am plictisit sa spun de unde sunt, de cat timp suntem pe drumuri si ce-o sa faca copiii fara scoala. Lucrez cu mine sa fiu un om bun iar cateodata imi iese.

Astazi a venit o tanti sub pretextul ca mangaie cainii sa ne descoasa. A stat cu noi cat timp am mancat micul dejun, a stat cu noi si la cafea, m-a tampit atat de tare incat am scos placa de surf si am intrat in apa. 

Valurile infuriate de aproape doi metri m-au blenduit cu nisipul si in 2 minute am fost scuipat inapoi pe plaja. Chiar ma gandeam ca sunt un idiot ca am intrat in ocean in aceste conditii dar femeia asta jumatate nebuna m-a facut sa-mi pierd luciditatea. Partea buna a intamplarii este ca m-a facut sa intru in apa cu placa. M-am ofticat dupa aia toata ziua ca sunt valuri mari si nu pot si eu sa surfez. Da, stiu ca v-am tampit cu surful dar n-am ce sa fac.

Astazi mi-a fost pofta de macaroane cu branza si zahar. Cei din America de Sud adica brazilienii, peruanii, argentinienii, chilenii, samd nu au auzit niciodata de macaroane cu branza sarata si zahar si nici nu mananca ardei rosu crud. 

N-au legatura macaroanele cu ardeiul dar e tot o curiozitate. Adica nu-l mananca crud. De fiecare data cand mancam un ardei rosu, ardeiul ala mare si gras tip gogosar, argentinienii se uita sparti. 

Tot sparti se uita si cand punem zahar peste branza rasa si macaroane.

Mi-e dor de coliva,de halva si de eugenii.

Seara am iesit doar eu cu Lavinia la un bar pe plaja sa vedem semifinala Cupei Americii, Brazilia – Argentina. 

Lavinia a baut o Corona si eu am mancat jumatate de homar.

A castigat Brazilia.

1 Comment
  • Paula
    Posted at 16:23h, 05 July Reply

    „Every time we eat raw red bell pepper the Brazilians watch stunned.” Hahahaha, fix experiența mea in Chile, Argentina, Columbia, etc.! 😀 Ajunsesem sa cred ca sunt singura.

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