07 Mar ALDEIA – 06 MARCH 2020 – BANANAS
What have the children learnt in the 6 months spent in Aldeia? They have learnt a lot, but now I will tell the part about banana trees.
They have learnt how they are cut, how they are planted and when it’s a good time to harvest.
I don’t know if you knew, but bananas are not picked up from the tree with a ladder or something, the entire banana tree is cut.
If it wasn’t cut, it would die anyway after it had fruits. Every banana tree makes at least 2 or 3 baby trees.
By cutting down the main tree, you help the little ones, which feed themselves from the same root.
The tree is cut from the base and the trunk is carved in the shape of a cone. This is done because there is a cockroach crazy about banana tree core and will eat it to the root and then go to the little trees, killing them.
In Aldeia there are about 4 banana types, silver, water, gold and earth.
Earth bananas are the hardest to grow, are very big and are eaten only fried or boiled.
All green bananas can be cut into slices and fried in oil and will taste like french fries.
Bananas have different growing times, from 6 months to a year, only the earth ones will take 2 years to full maturity.
The banana flower in the tip of the bunch is edible and can be used in salads.
Some of the best pancakes I ever ate are made with bananas.
You put 3-4 ripe bananas, 1 egg, flour, water and a dash of baking powder in a blender, you mix until all well combined.
You wipe the pan with coconut oil, you pour some batter, you turn them to get done on the other side and you eat them with love and sighs.
Other than that, nothing, all’s good…
Ce-au invatat copiii in cele 6 luni petrecute in Aldeia. Au invatat foarte multe dar astazi va voi povesti pe scurt doar despe banani.
Au invatat cum se taie, cum se planteaza si care-i momentul oportun pentru recolta.
Nu stiu daca stiati, dar bananele nu se culeg urcandu-te cu o scara in copac si taind ciorchinele ci se taie tot copacul.
Daca nu s-ar taia copacul, el oricum ar muri dupa ce-a produs fructele. Fiecare copac de banan mai da cel putin 2-3 puieti.
Taind copacul principal se ajuta puietii, ei fiind hraniti de aceeasi radacina. Copacul de banan se taie de la baza si se scobeste miezul in forma de con.
Se procedeaza astfel pentru ca exista un gandac inebunit dupa miezul de banan, mancand din acesta pana la radacina, dupa care va trece si la miezul puietilor distrugandu-i.
In Aldeia exista preo 4 tipuri de banan, de argint, de apa, de aur si de pamant.
Bananele de pamant cresc mult mai greu, sunt foarte mari si nu se mananca decat coapte, prajite sau fierte.
Toate bananele verzi se pot taia in rondele sau felii si praji in ulei, avand gust de cartofi prajiti, nicidecum de banane.
Bananele au timpi de crestere variabili, intre 6 luni si un an, numai cele de pamant vor dura doi ani pana la maturatie.
Floarea de banan din capul ciorchinelui este comestibila si se foloseste in salate.
Unele dintre cele mai bune clatite pe care le-am mancat sunt cu banane.
Se pun in blender 3-4 banane foarte coapte, un ou, faina, apa si un varf de praf de copt. Se mixeaza bine pana se omogenizeaza compozitia avand textura smantanei.
Se stropeste tigaia cu ulei de cocos, se toarna juma’ de polonic de compozitie, se rasucesc in aer ca sa le rumenesti si pe cealalta parte apoi se mananca cu dragoste si suspine de placere.
In rest, nimic, toate bune…
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