

Ana went to Maya, her friend. She will be back in two days.

I asked her to stay, I promised her that if she stayed she would sleep with us. 

I didn’t convince her, she said she will sleep with us when she returns. Children are an addiction, in fact, the only addiction I find healthy. 

Although we stay together non-stop, I don’t interact with them all the time. 

I like to observe them and I like their look when I ask them things out of the blue. 

I like their faces when I make silly jokes.

“Aris, should we repair the bike?”

“Yeah, let’s do it!”

“Not now!”

I like to talk to them about moods and calm them down when they argue.

I like to watch them on the beach when they are surfing. They can hardly catch a wave.

I got upset and last week I bought a bodyboard to go with them in the water and give them a push when they need it.

The lobster season has started in Brazil.

How much is a lobster?

Only $ 5 apiece.

Other than that, nothing, all’s good…



Ana a plecat la Maya, prietena ei. Se va intoarce in doua zile.

Am rugat-o sa ramana, i-am promis ca daca ramane va dormi cu noi.

N-am convins-o. Va dormi cu noi cand se intoarce.

Copiii sunt o adictie, de fapt singura adictie pe care eu o gasesc sanatoasa. Desi stam non stop impreuna, nu interactionez tot timpul cu ei.

Imi place sa-i observ si-mi place privirea lor cand ii intreb lucruri din senin. Imi plac fetele lor cand fac glume tampite.

– Aris, reparam bicicleta?

– Daaa, haide!

– Nu acum!

Imi place sa le vorbesc despre stari si sa-i calmez cand se cearta. 

Imi place sa-i urmaresc de pe plaja cand surfeaza.

Prind valuri, dar greu.

M-am ofticat si saptamana trecuta mi-am cumparat o placa de bodyboarding sa intru cu ei in apa si sa le dau un vant cand trebuie. 

In Brazilia a inceput sezonul homarilor.

Cat e homaru’?

Doar 5$ bucata.

In rest, nimic, toate bune…

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