

After 7 months spent in the Aldeia community, we lived with Dobrescus for a whole month until we found ourselves a house for rent. 

A single roof sheltered 4 adults, 6 children, including a baby who needed silence to sleep, two dogs, and three cats. 

You’re probably wondering what it’s like to live with someone who’s neither your relative nor your partner, right? 

Well, if people are cool, it’s cool. 

The children will invariably argue, but that’s what they usually do if you don’t allow them to use the network or you don’t go for a walk on the beach. 

From my own experience I can say that if the parents manage the children’s quarrels and there is fairness in sharing the expenses, discussions do not occur. 

Also from my experience, I say that if men don’t like each other, it’s ok, if women don’t like each other, then it’s hell! 

I was lucky that Eugenia and Lavinia get along. 

Brother Petrica and I seem to be from the same father just the mothers seem to be different! Today we’ve gathered everything from the house and loaded the car. 

Tomorrow we’ll move to the new house. 

Thank you Dobrescus family, you are cool!

Otherwise, nothing, all good…


Dupa 7 luni petrecute in comunitatea Aldeia, am locuit cu Dobrestii o luna intreaga pana ne-am gasit de inchiriat. 

Un singur acoperis a adapostit 4 adulti, 6 copii dintre care unul mic care avea nevoie de liniste, doi caini si trei pisici. 

Probabil va intrebati cum e sa convietuiesti cu cineva care nu ti-e nici ruda nici partener, nu? Pai daca oamenii sunt misto, e misto. 

Copiii se vor certa invariabil dar cam asta fac ei de obicei daca nu-i lasi la net si nici nu-i scoti pe plaja. 

Din experienta proprie pot spune ca daca parintii gestioneaza certurile copiilor si exista corectitudine la impartitul cheltuielilor, discutii nu apar. 

Tot din experienta spun ca daca barbatii nu se prea inteleg, e ok, daca femeile nu se inteleg intre ele, e jale! 

Am avut noroc ca Eugenia si cu Lavinia se inteleg. 

Eu cu fratele Petrica suntem parca din acelasi tata, mamele par ca sunt diferite! 

Astazi am strans tot de prin casa si am incarcat tot in masina. 

Maine ne mutam in casa noua. Multumim Dobrestii, sunteti cool! 

In rest, nimic, toate bune…

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