Left with only $100 after our shopping spree called “the surfers”, as saying in our previous post, we make now a strong comeback. Believe it or not, 10 harsh days made our senses more accurate so if we have a banana, we savor it, not just eat it! 🙂
Another interesting discovery is that location counts. That means that it’s one thing to have no money at the block and another on a Paradise-like beach in Brazil. Besides, the ocean is of much help. It doesn’t matter what you do, whether you run, sit, eat or listen to music, it’s nicer on the beach. This beach looks like it’s a little out of the time-space reality so 10 days on “Praia do Ingleses” in Bombinhas, with little money, 2 adults, 3 children, 1 dog and 4 cats, we loved each other and we had fun!
Further on, I would like to thank in writing, to me and the Universe, for each moment that I breathe.
Punctually and particularly, for 5! 🙂
- I deeply enjoy the time spent with my family. Just us, every day, we keep discovering each other, we discover, we have fun.
I remember I used to be away from home for weeks. I missed them when I was away and I didn’t know to enjoy them when I was home. Now, this notion of home is no longer expressed by a location, but by a inner peace and the joy to share time. I can sincerely say that without quality time spent together, the family is beautiful only in pictures!
- I enjoy the new way of driving. Now I don’t drive, I cruise. With an average of 30km/h, I can’t miss the scenery, I sometimes become it.
Sometimes I don’t know if we are leaving or staying!:)
I remember the first rain drops of fall in Bucharest, when the rain seems acid and determines in people an introvert, almost sick behavior. A “la vita e bella” joke in this context can be:
“John, come inside, it’s raining!”
“Mary, don’t worry, it’s raining here too!”
- I am glad that I am glad independently of money. Before I had more money but couldn’t enjoy them, now enjoying take up most of my time 🙂
I remember how everything was so calculated, banks, holidays, events, plans. Now, when everything fits in a suitcase, there is no space for worries and problems, but only for happiness. - I am glad that life is no longer a routine. Have you ever had the feeling that the only chance to make the road home feel different is to change the car? Same thing, Monday to Friday, traffic hours and endless events. Weekend comes, you go out a little and then back on track! My life used to be like this and one day I didn’t like it any more. Now I like Mondays when I am alone in the park with the kids running, having fun.
- Not last, I am glad that I discovered how to be happy. Of what was and what is and of what will be, I am happy! 🙂
Ramasi dupa cum spuneam si in postul de pe 21, doar cu 100$ dupa repriza de shopping denumita “surfistii”, revenim in forta mai fericiti ca niciodata. Credeti sau nu dar 10 zile austere ne-au ascutit gusturile asa ca daca avem o banana, acum o savuram nu o mancam! 🙂
Alta descoperire este ca locatia conteaza! Adica una e sa nu ai bani intre blocuri si alta e sa nu ai pe o plaja paradisiaca din Brazilia.
In plus, oceanul ajuta enorm! Nu conteaza ce faci, alergi, stai, mananci, asculti muzica, pe plaja e mai misto, e diferit.
Plaja pare un loc cu un picior in afara timpului asa ca 10 zile pe plaja Englezilor din Bombinhas, cu foarte putini bani, 2 adulti, 3 copii, un caine si 4 pisici, ne-am iubit si ne-am distrat!
In continuare imi doresc sa multumesc in scris, mie si universului, pentru fiecare clipa ce-o respir.
Punctual, vreo 5!
- Ma bucur enorm de timpul petrecut impreuna cu familia. Noi intre noi, zi de zi, descoperindu-ne, descoperind, bucurand!
Imi amintesc cum frecvent eram plecat de acasa cu saptamanile. Imi era dor de ei cand eram in deplasare si nu stiam sa ma bucur de prezenta lor nici cand eram prezent.
Acum, sentimentul de acasa nu mai este exprimat de un loc ci de o liniste interioara si de bucuria de a impartasi timpul.
Pot spune cu mana pe inima ca, fara timp de calitate petrecut impreuna, familia nu este frumoasa decat in poze!
- Ma bucur de noua valenta a sofatului. Acum, nu conduc, croaziez! Cu o medie de 30km/h nu am timp sa pierd peisajul, ma contopesc cu el!
Cateodata, nici nu-mi dau seama daca plecam sau ajungem! :)))
Imi amintesc de primele picaturi ale toamnei in Bucuresti, cand ploaia parca este acida dezlantuind un caracter introvert, bolnav chiar vis-a-vis de nivelul de conform al fiecaruia.
Un “la vita e bella” al bancurilor in acest context ar fi urmatorul:
-Ioane, treci in casa ca ploua!
-Mario, nu te ingrijora, ploua si aici!
- Ma bucur ca ma pot bucura la fel indiferent de bani. Inainte aveam mult mai multi bani dar nu stiam sa ma bucur, acum, sa ma bucur imi ocupa tot timpul! 🙂
Imi amintesc cat de calculat era totul, in rate, concedii, sarbatori, planuri.
Acum, cand totul intra intr-un geamantan, nu mai ramane spatiu si pentru probleme si nu mai e nimic de calculat ci doar de bucurat! 🙂
- Ma bucur pentru ca viata nu mai e rutina!
Ai avut vreodata sentimentul ca nu mai poti avea un drum nou spre casa decat daca schimbi masina?! Acelasi lucru, luni-vineri, ore de trafic si de multe alte intamplari ce ti se intampla. Vine week-end-ul, fugim sa ne dam in cap un pic, dupa care iar la jug! Asa era viata mea si nu mi-a mai placut.
Acum imi place lunea cand sunt singur in parc, cu copiii, alergand, bucurand! 🙂
- Nu in ultimul rand ma bucur ca am descoperit cum sa ma bucur. Si de ce-a fost si de ceea ce este si de ceea ce va sa vina, ma bucur! 🙂
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