

I was asked for more detail on the process of Ayahuasca tea preparation. 


The place where I went to prepare the tea is part of União do Vegetal, somewhere in the Atlantic jungle, on the dirt road that goes to Piracanga community. 

The tea is a drink obtained by boiling the Ayahuasca vine with the leaves of Chakruna tree.

The tea took its name from the Ayahuasca vine, but the psychoactive substance actually comes from the Chakruna leaves. 

A tea made only with Chakruna leaves would have no effect without the liana because the saliva and gastric juice neutralize the effect of the psychoactive substance. 

The assimilation and the effect is possible because of the MAOIs inhibitors found in the liana. 

The liana is cut with a wooden machete after being previously cleaned of mud and dirt and washed. 

The same washing process for the Chakruna leaves, most important is to not let any impurities or bugs get into the tea. 

In a big pot with a capacity of 85 liters, there are 7 layers set: 3 of Chakruna and 4 of Ayahuasca.

Every layer of Chakruna weighs exactly 1 kilo and the liana layer is of 2.5 kilos weight. 40 liters of pure spring water is added and set on a high fire. 

After boiling for 4-5 hours, the liquid drops from 40 liters to 10. 

The 10 liters are put aside. The process is repeated 3 more times and the result is 40 liters of tea. 

The 5th time these 40 liters of tea are added in the pot and 4-5 hours later we have the first 10 liters of Ayahuasca tea. 

The process of gathering the leaves and to the final product takes 3 days. 

The tea is used by the União do Vegetal for illuminating and guiding purposes. 

For them, the tea is a spirit. 

For me, it’s a tool and some extra thing that I cannot explain. 

Ayahuasca is not some pliers used to take out nails from your soul. 

In tomorrow’s post, I’ll come back with the effects. 

Other than that, nothing, all’s good…


Mi s-a cerut sa detaliez experienta prepararii ceaiului de Ayahuasca. 


Locul in care am fost sa prepar ceaiul face parte din Uniunea Vegetala si se afla undeva in Jungla Atlantica, pe drumul de pamant ce duce spre comunitatea Piracanga.

Ceaiul propriu zis este o bautura ce se prepara prin fierberea lianei de Ayahuasca si frunzele arbustului Chakruna. Ceaiul a preluat numele lianei de Ayahuasca dar substanta psihoactiva se afla de fapt in frunzele de Chakruna.

Un ceai facut doar din frunzele arbustului de Chakruna nu ar avea efect fara liana, pentru ca saliva si acizii gastrici neutralizeaza efectul substantei psihoactive, ea nefiind asimilata de catre corp. Asimilarea si efectul se produce doar din cauza inhibitorilor MAOIs, continuti in liana. 

Liana se zdrobeste cu o maceta de lemn, asta dupa ce a fost spalata si curatata de praf si noroi. La fel sunt spalate si frunzele de Chakruna, atentia fiind indreptata spre a nu fi introduse in ceai si alte impuritati sau mici vietati. 

Intr-o caldare mare cu o capacitate de 85 de litri se fac 7 straturi: 3 de Chakruna si 4 de Ayahuasca.

Fiecare strat de Chakruna cantareste cate un kilogram iar fiecare strat de liana cantareste cate 2.5 kilograme. S

e completeaza cu fix 40 litri de apa de izvor si se pune la foc iute. 

In aproximativ 4-5 ore de fiert, lichidul scade de la 40 la 10 litri. Acesti 10 litri se pun de-o parte. Se repeta procesul de 4 ori si se strang 40 de litri de ceai. 

La a 5-a oala nu se mai pune apa, ci acesti 40 de litri de ceai. Se da la foc si in 4-5 ore avem primii 10 litri de Ayahuasca. 

Procesul de la adunarea frunzelor pana la ceaiul propriu zis, dureaza minim 3 zile. 

Ceaiul este folosit de catre Uniunea Vegetala cu scop iluminativ si calauzitor.

Pentru ei, ceaiul este un spirit.

Pentru mine, ceaiul este o unealta plus ceva ce nu poate fi explicat.

Ce vreau sa zic este ca Ayahuasca nu este doar un patent cu care-ti scoti cuie din suflet!

In postul de maine, revin cu efectele.  

In rest, nimic, toate bune…   

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