People started living in towns in the last 100 years. Data say that around 1800 only 7% of the world population lived in the cities, in 1900, 16%.
In the years 2000, we have Brazil ranking first with 81,2%, Canada and the US on the second place with 79,5% / 79,2 while West Europe was at 75,3%.
For more data please access https://ourworldindata.org/urbanization
What happened between the 1900s and the 2000s that everybody ran to the cities? First of all, the Industrial Revolution that created space and the possibility of urbanism. Ok, now that we have a place to move and the possibility of moving, there comes the question of why and what for?
Let’s think: did our grand-grandfathers live in the cities? What about our grandparents? Which generation migrated and why?
Institutionalized school is a social tool to become qualified, it’s a consequence of the industrial revolution and of urbanization, respectively.
We could say that everybody living in the cities are sending their children to school out of the inertia of an evolutive trend without questioning where, where to and for what purpose?
The meaning of a life in the city could be translated into money.
In the city almost everybody chases money.
If you don’t have money for a movie, a restaurant, a mall, an ice-cream, you are nothing but a hamster running on a wheel trying to keep up with the nothingness.
If you have money for the above-mentioned things, most people will look for their friend’s wife or the hot colleague at work.
You are still a hamster, driving your BMW on the wheel.
What are we doing in our Mercedes in Brazil?
We are chasing hamsters! 🙂
Lumea a inceput sa traiasca la oras in ultimii 100 de ani. Datele ne spun ca in jurul anilor 1800 doar 7% din populatia globului traia la oras iar in jurul anilor 1900 traiau 16% .In anii 2000 avem cap de afis Brazilia cu 81,2%, urmata de Canada si SUA cu 79,5% respectiv 79,2% si Vestul Europei cu 75,3%.
Pentru mai multe date va rog accesati: https://ourworldindata.org/urbanization
Ce s-a intamplat intre 1900 si 2000 de toata lumea a fugit la oras? In primul rand Revolutia Industriala care-a creat spatiu si posibilitatea urbanizarii.
Bine, bine acum ca avem unde sa ne mutam si posibilitatea mutarii revine intrebarea de ce si pentru ce!
Haideti sa ne gandim, strabunicii nostri traiau la oras? Dar bunicii nostri? Ce generatie a migrat si de ce?
Scoala institutionalizata este o unealta sociala de calificare, o consecinta a Revolutiei Industriale, respectiv a urbanizarii.
Am putea sa afirmam ca toti cei care s-au nascut la oras si-si trimit copiii la scoala, urmeaza din inertie un trend evolutiv fara a-si pune intrebari de genul de unde, catre ce si cu ce scop?
Semnificatia vietii traita la oras poate fi conceptualizata in bani.
La oras cam toata lumea alearga dupa bani.
Daca nu ai bani sa iesi la un film, la un restaurant, la un mall, la o inghetata, atunci nu esti decat un hamster care fuge pe o rotita, incercand sa tina pasul cu nimicul.
Daca ai bani pentru toate lucrurile enumerate mai sus, majoritatea se uita dupa sotia prietenului sau colega buna de la munca!
Tot un hamster ramai dar te-ai urcat cu BMW-ul pe rotita!
Ce facem noi cu Mercedesul in Brazilia?
Alergam dupa hamsteri! 🙂
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