Aldeia is only accessible by 4×4 or by boat. The boat ride to Itacaré lasts about 25 minutes but depends on the wind, tide, and number of people.
The boat is simple, from aluminum, with a capacity of 6 people and with a 15 nice horsepower outboard engine.
Das Contas river is one of Bahia’s main tributaries. The river is born in Chapada Diamantina and after 620 meandered kilometers and a dam, embraces the ocean.
In the last spin, it forms a bay adored by fishermen and boats and leaves on the right side of the town of Itacaré and on the left give the start to the peninsula of Maraú.
The town of Itacaré is small and agitated but does not exceed 30,000 inhabitants. It has 16 gorgeous beaches, two main streets, the one entering the city and the riverfront which follows the Das Contas River and a pedestrian street through which the access to the main beaches is made.
Our days out in Itacaré are like the city, beautiful and agitated.
We can’t sail at night, not because of pirates but because of floating trees, but sunset always makes us not regret it.
And I’m glad I changed the gas cylinder. Till up the hill, to home, I took the cylinder with a wheelbarrow.
The kids were pulling a rope in front and Lavinia was pushing my butt.
Because it rained, I slipped.
I got up in a jiffy, I turn to Lavinia and ask her:
“Do you think this is the best time to touch me?”
Otherwise, nothing, all good…
Aldeia nu este accesibila decat cu masini 4×4 sau cu barca. Drumul cu barca din dotare pana in Itacaré dureaza aproximativ 25 de minute dar depinde de vant, maree si numarul de persoane.
Barca este simpla, de aluminiu cu o capacitate de 6 persoane si cu un motor de 15 cai frumosi. Raul Das Contas este unul dintre principalele afluente ale statului Bahia. Raul se naste in Chapada Diamantina si dupa 620 de kilometri serpuiti si un baraj, imbratiseaza oceanul.
In ultimul onduleu formeaza un golf adorat de pescari si ambarcatiuni si lasa pe partea dreapta orasul Itacaré iar pe stanga da startul peninsulei de Maraú.
Orasul Itacaré este mic si agitat dar nu depaseste 30.000 de locuitori. Are in dotare 16 plaje superbe, doua strazi principale, cea de acces in oras si cea de faleza, ce urmareste raul Das Contas si o strada pietonala prin care se face accesul la plajele principale.
Iesirile noastre in Itacaré sunt precum orasul, frumoase si agitate.
Nu putem naviga noaptea, nu din cauza piratilor ci din cauza copacilor plutitori, dar apusul de soare, de fiecare data ne face sa nu regretam.
Si ma bucur ca am schimbat butelia.
Pana-n deal, acasa, am dus-o cu roaba. Copiii trageau cu o sfoara din fata iar Lavinia ma impingea de fund.
Cum a plouat, am alunecat.
M-am ridicat intr-o clipita, ma intorc la Lavinia si o intreb:
– Tu… crezi ca e cel mai bun moment sa ma pipai?
In rest, nimic, toate bune…
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