

We have overdone it with surfing and the sun and we’ve got burnt so we come back on the waves with small steps. 

For two days we’ve come to surf for one hour at sunset. From camping to our favorite beach there are about 15 minutes of steady walking. 

Halfway there a man opened a cart that sells chilled coconut. Every time we stop to drink, two coconuts is enough for all of us. 

About 800 milliliters of coconut water cost $1.2. I know, it’s a good price. 

On the beach, we turn into the kids’ fervent supporters. Carla and Aris practice each at his own pace. In an hour they ride about 5 waves and make a lot of attempts. 

When it happens, I and Lavinia make sure everybody on the beach knows about it and then go back content at our sand tribunes. 

Did I tell you that we got an answer from the Aldeia people? They are welcoming us, all the gang, human or not. 

We are excited also so we already started packing. 

First, we took everything out of the car. Although it is only a van, I still live with the feeling that more things can go into it than in a studio and more things than we actually need.

Aris chose to donate his personal reading collection to the Aldeia library, which pleases me greatly. Two reasons for that: first is that he learns to part with things, second that they were extremely heavy. On top of that, he had read them so many times he almost knows them by heart. 

Other than that, nothing, we are feeling ok. 


Am facut exces de surf si soare si ne-am ars asa ca revenim cu pasi mici, pe valuri. De doua zile mergem sa surfam doar o ora, la asfintit. 

Din camping pana la plaja noastra preferata avem de mers vreo 15 minute la pas voios. Pe la jumatatea drumului, un nene si-a deschis taraba unde vinde cocos rece. De fiecare data oprim sa ne adapam, doi cocosi ne ajung la toti. 

Aprox 800 de mililitri de apa de cocos verde costa 1,2 $. Stiu, bun pretul!

Ajunsi pe plaja, devenim spectatorii infocati ai copiilor. 

Carla si Aris exerseaza in apa fiecare in ritmul si pe limba lui. Intr-o ora, calaresc vreo 5 valuri din zeci de tentative. 

Cand se intampla, eu cu Lavinia avem grija sa afle toata lumea, dupa care revenim satisfacuti in tribunele de pe nisip.

V-am spus ca ne-au raspuns cei de la Aldeia? Ne asteapta cu drag pe toti, cu catei si purcei. Si noi suntem entuziasmati, asa ca ne-am apucat sa organizam bagajul. Am scos totul din masina!

Cu toate ca este doar un van, tot am impresia ca sunt mai multe lucruri decat intr-o garsoniera si mai multe de cat avem nevoie. 

Aris a ales sa-si doneze colectia personala de povesti bibliotecii din comunitatea Aldeia, fapt ce m-a bucurat enorm. 

M-a bucurat din doua motive, pentru ca invata sa se desparta de lucruri si mai ales pentru ca erau extrem de grele! In plus le citise pana le invatese pe de rost.

In rest, nimic, “ne simtem” bine!

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