Every time we leave there should be a coordinator, a superior that everybody listens to. I’m saying this because it has never happened this kind of synergy when we all met in front of the door at the set time of leaving.
Lavinia took last night the position of chief of DTC OTEE (The Department of Tactical Organization of the Travels to Entertainment Events) and promised us an epic leave.
How are epic leaves?
Like when we all meet in front of the door at the set hour of leaving.
What can I say, this hasn’t been the happy time of us being the first visitors of the park, but we did make our entrance one hour only later than planned.
The day was fantastic, we slid till we shed one layer of skin and then we moved to tree climbing and zip lines to the water.
The park is situated on the beach, in front of the coral reef and they hold a development program with the purpose of informing and instructing the people on how to protect and preserve the corals.
So we were taught another lesson about the environment, nature and its protection.
Besides the position and the exotic fauna, the park also is famous for its numerous slides for one, two, for families, slow, fast, with a swimming device or not, something interesting for everybody.
The kids were thrilled, Lavinia and I would have liked a day of sunshine and sun chairs, but it wasn’t the case, until closing time we did nothing but water sliding.
In the evening we came back home, where the pets received us with a choir of barks and joy.
Home is together and together is good.
Today it’s been a wonderful day of the kids, for the kids and with kids when we felt, more than ever, kids.
We thank the universe for this chance, we thank Eco Park for the invitation and the chance to learn new and interesting information.
In the evening we made a coffee and we hugged each other on the border of the central Parking lot, with a few dogs looking at us.
Other than this nothing, we are just drinking our coffee!
La noi, fiecare plecare ar trebui sa aiba un coordonator, un sef de care sa asculte restul. Spun asta deoarece nu s-a intamplat niciodata o sinergie de genul in care sa ne intalnim cu totii in fata usii, la ora de plecare anuntata.
Lavinia a preluat aseara sefia de la DOT DEAD (Departamentul de Organizare Tactica al Deplasarilor catre Evenimente de Avengura si Divertisment) sau “punctul mort” pe romaneste, si ne-a promis o plecare de poveste.
Cum sunt plecarile de poveste?
Ca atunci cand ne intalnim cu totii in fata usii gata de plecare la ora anuntata.
Ce sa va zic, nu s-a intamplat nici de data aceasta sa deschidem primii poarta parcului dar am rupt panglica de sosire cu doar o ora intarziere fata de ora propusa.
Ziua a fost geniala, ne-am toboganit pana ni s-a luat un rand de piele dupa care am trecut la catarat in copaci si tiroliana direct in apa.
Parcul este situat pe plaja, in fata unui recif de corali avand un proiect in dezvoltare ce urmareste informarea si instruirea publicului in vederea protejarii si conservarii coralilor.
Asa ca am mai primit o lectie despre mediu, natura si protejarea ei.
In afara locatiei si a faunei exotice parcul se lauda si cu o gramada de tobogane pentru unu, pentru doi, pentru familii, lente, rapide cu colac, fara colac, ce sa mai, de toate pentru toti.
Copiii au fost inebuniti, mie si Laviniei ne-ar fi placut o pauza de soare si shezlong dar nu s-a putut, pana la inchidere am fost pe ele, in cadere.
Pe seara am ajuns acasa unde animalele ne-au oferit un concert de latraturi acompaniat de un dans de guduraturi.
Acasa e impreuna si impreuna e bine.
Astazi a fost o zi superba de copii, cu copii si pentru copii in care ne-am simtit mai mult ca niciodata, copii.
Multumesc universului pentru sansa, multumim Eco Park pentru invitatii si pentru sansa oferita de a invata lucruri noi si misto.
Pe seara am facut o cafea si am ramas stransi in brate pe bordura din parcarea centrala.
Cativa caini se uita la noi.
In rest, nimic, ne bem cafeaua!
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