27 May PARATY – 25 MAY 2019 – EMOTIONS
8 years ago I gave birth to Ana in Portugal. Not me, Lavinia brought her to this world by c-section.
In Portugal, the birth was different than the previous 2 ones that happened in Romania. Different meaning better, easier, free. I remember as if it was yesterday waiting in the hallways of Coimbra hospital with my mother-in-law.
As soon as she was born they put her in my arms. I was expecting they would show her to me, but not as soon and certainly not letting me hold her. I was blocked. My tears were rolling down with emotion and I couldn’t say a word. The nurses told me to hold her while they finish the stitching and then give her to Lavinia.
I didn’t say anything. I was crying.
This morning we’ve been woken up by Ana’s shouts “It’s my birthday, hooray!”.
It was around 6 am. I looked at her baffled.
Frowning, she said to me: “Wake up, it’s my birthday!”.
I woke up smiling.
We didn’t make espresso this morning, we decided to go out for one and for a cake at our favorite pastry shop in Paraty. On our way there we decided to take the road that passes by the gallery of our favorite artist, Aecio Sarti.
We couldn’t have passed by without entering for 5 minutes and delight our soul with the paintings under the first rays of the sun. And as we were looking at the art, master Sarti comes in.
We told him how happy we were to meet him in person and that we were admiring his work so much. We could hardly find our words and we stumbled a lot.
But the master asked us if he could paint the kids’ portraits as a souvenir. What, Aecio Sarti himself?
Yes, indeed!
Emotions, this is life.
A tear, a smile, a sunrise.
We were all very touched to share time, space and memories with a great artist.
Just like 8 years ago, I didn’t do much of talking.
If I had, I would have cried.
Carla told me to stop making fun of the fans that start crying when they see their idols.
I felt stupid!
I can manage any situation, as harsh or dramatic it would be, but when it comes to emotions there’s a different story.
Our day continued with a movie, cake, and ice-cream.
Carla and Aris said that their favorite birthday is Ana’s.
They fell asleep holding the sketch of the great master.
How can I not be glad?
I am a lucky and happy guy!
Acum 8 ani pe 25 Mai, am nascut-o pe Ana in Portugalia. Nu eu, Lavinia a nascut-o pe Ana prin cezariana!
In Portugalia nasterea a fost diferita fata de celelalte doua nasteri experimentate de noi in Romania.
Diferit in sensul de mai bine, mai simplu, mai gratis! Imi amintesc ca ieri ziua in care asteptam pe holurile spitalului din Coimbra, alaturi de scumpa de soacra-mea.
Imediat cum s-a nascut, mi-au si pus-o in brate. Ma asteptam sa mi-o arate, dar nu chiar imediat si nici sa mi-o puna in brate.
Eram blocat.
Imi curgeau lacrimile de emotie si nu puteam scoate nici un cuvant. Mi-au spus asistentele sa am grija de Ana cat o cos inapoi pe Lavinia, dupa care i-o dau ei.
N-am zis nimic. Plangeam.
Astazi ne-am trezit de dimineata cu Ana chiuind: “E ziua meeeaaa, uraaaa!”
Era in jur de 06:00. M-am uitat la ea nauc. Incruntata, imi zice: “Trezeste-te, e ziua mea.” M-am trezit zambind.
N-am mai facut expresso-ul de dimineata si am ales sa iesim cu totii sa ne rasfatam cu o prajitura si sa fim serviti cu un espresso la cafeneaua noastra preferata din Paraty. In drum spre cafenea am zis sa o luam pe un drum ce trecea prin fata galeriei pictorului nostru favorit, Aecio Sarti.
N-aveam cum sa trecem prin fata galeriei fara sa intram macar 5 minute, sa ne bucuram sufletul cu picturile indragite la primele raze de soare.
Si cum ne uitam noi la tablouri, pac, maestrul Sarti intra pe usa.
Ne-am blocat. I-am zis ca ne bucuram tare sa-l intalnim personal si ca-i apreciem arta din cale afara.
Ne-am gasit greu cuvintele si ne-am cam fastacit, ce-i drept!
In schimb maestrul ne-a intrebat daca le poate face copiilor cate un portret drept amintire.
Ce, cum, Aecio Sarti?!
Da, chiar el!
Emotii, asta este viata. Un zambet, o lacrima, un rasarit.
Am fost cu totii plini de emotii pentru ca am impartit povesti, timp si spatiu cu un mare artist.
Ca acum opt ani, eu n-am prea putut sa vorbesc.
Daca vorbeam, plangeam. Carla mi-a zis sa nu mai rad de fanii care incep sa planga cand isi vad idolii.
M-am simtit prost!
Ma descurc de minune in orice situatie oricat de dramatica sau de cacat ar fii ea, cand e vorba de sentimente, emotii, afectiune e alta treaba!
Am continuat ziua cu tort, film si inghetata.
Carla si Aris au spus ca ziua lor favorita de nastere este ziua Anei.
Au adormit cu schita maestrului Aecio in brate.
Cum sa nu ma bucur!?
Sunt un om norocos si fericit!
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