

We stayed around to organize for Ana’s birthday, but also to explore Paraty’s surroundings. Yesterday we had a feast with Aecio Sarti’s drawings, ice cream, cakes, movie, and joy.

Today, after breakfast we headed towards the English’s Well. A small natural pool formed at the base of a granite canyon.
From Paraty to the start point of the road through the Atlantic Forest to the English’s Well there is 10 km so it would be a pity to miss it. The path in the jungle starts right on the highway and leads to no man’s land.

A tiny parking space full of crushed windows is a testimony for the cars that have been mugged by “well-intentioned” guys so we left the dogs as guards in the car. We counted on Oscar’s imposing figure and on Piccolina’s non-stop siren style barking from the moment we leave to the moment we get back. We can’t help it!

At first, we were afraid her throat would start bleeding with so much barking, but no, she’s ok the little one! That’s just the way she is, barking a lot!

We left the beasts in the car, we sprayed some insect repellent on our skin and we stepped into the wilderness of lianas. The path was smooth but unsigned so after half an hour of walking about we hit the famous English’s Well.

We took advantage of the secluded spot and we took some dives in Adam’s bathing suit. We screamed like Tarzan when we got in contact with the water.

The water was as warm as Mimi’s smile.

Oh, Mimi, I miss you so!


Putul Englezilor

Am stat locului sa ne organizam cu ziua Anei dar si sa descoperim imprejurimile Paraty-ului. Ieri  ne-am rasfatat cu desenele lui Aecio Sarti, cu inghetata, prajituri, film si voie buna.

Astazi dupa micul dejun, am luat-o din loc inspre Putul Englezilor. O piscina naturala formata la baza unui mic canion de granit. 

Din Paraty pana la inceputul traseului prin Padurea Atlantica ce duce la Putul Englezilor, sunt doar 10 kilometri asa ca ar fi fost pacat sa ratam obiectivul. Poteca prin jungla se face direct din drumul national si in mijlocul nicaierului.

Un loc de parcare mic si plin de geamuri sparte ne indica faptul ca multe masini au fost golite de bunuri de catre baietii binevoitori asa ca am lasat cainii, de paza in masina.

Ne bazam pe statura impunatoare a lui Oscar si pe latratul tip sirena a lui Piccolina care latra Non Stop din momentul in care plecam, pana ne intoarcem. N-avem ce-i face!

La inceput ne-am impacientat, am crezut ca daca mai latra mult, o sa latre cu stropi de sange ca-i vor exploda laringele dar nu, e ok fetita.

Asa latra ea, mult! 

Am lasat fiarele in masina, ne-am dat cu repelent de insecte si am luat-o la pas usor printre liane. Drumul a fost lin dar nesemnalizat si dupa o jumatate de ora de bajbait am ajuns la celebru Put al Englezilor.

Ne-am bucurat de intimitate si am facut cateva salturi in costumul lui Adam. Am tipat ca si Tarzan la impactul cu apa. Calda apa, precum zambetul lui Mimi. 

Of, Mimi, cat imi lipsesti! 

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