As described above and promised to ourselves, we start now with day one, October 11th, 2017.
We arrived here in Prudentópolis where we had planned to go see a beautiful waterfall, but, to our surprise, the town is working on a project of a resort overlooking the waterfall and creating a natural park with an entrance fee.
A little drawback for us, who have been driving for 300 km, with the last 20 km of unpaved road.
After 10 days of heavy rain the field on the right looked less bumpy than the muddy road.
So we decided to stay at the camping that shares the same name with the waterfall, São João, thinking that we might at least get to capture the waterfall by drone if we couldn’t really see it.
We not only got to film it, but actually see it after a 2 hour walk through the jungle.
São João waterfall is the second in place in Parana State with a height of 84 meters, after the impressive São Francisco waterfall (196 meters) and carries the name of São João river.
We invite you for some wonderful images.
We will leave the Romanian text for our parents. ?
Dupa cum am spus in descrierea de mai sus, incepem in tromba relatarea zilei de ieri, 11 Octombrie 2017.
Cu doar o zi in urma am ajuns in Prudentópolis cu scopul de a vizita o alta cascada minunata. Tot vorbind cu localnicii, aflam, spre marea noastra surpriza, ca municipalitatea tocmai lucreaza la un proiect de construire a unui complex turistic cu vedere la cascada si in plus, introducerea unei taxe pentru vizitarea acestui monument natural.
In fine, eram un pic tristi, tocmai parcursesem 300 de km, ultimii 20 km neasfaltati si parea ca ni s-au cam scufundat corabiile dupa atatea zile de ploi torentiale. Cum campul de pe langa drum, parea mai prietenos decat cararea noroioasa, am hotarat sa ramanem la campingul ce poarta acelasi nume ca si cascada São João, cochetand cu ideea de a o filma daca in realitate nu o puteam vedea. Asteptarea a dat roade, nu numai ca am putut filma minunea dar am reusit sa o si vedem dupa un drum de 2 ore printr-o jungla deasa.
Cascada São João este a doua cascada ca si inaltime a statului Parana cu o cadere de 84m, dupa impresionanta São Francisco cu 196m, purtand numele raului cu acelasi nume (São João).
Imagini proaspete si video in exclusivitate!
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