We are an extended family very tied and united, but united only on pieces and with all this, happy! This is the truth. My sister is on vacation in Panama. Besides, she is also my editor in the sense of correcting all the phrases I have written and expressed on this blog.
She sends me a message few days ago and says, “Hey, you write too heavy!”
How do you mean too heavy?
Well, if my sister didn’t understood, it means nobody understood!
I’m following a man, Warrent Satt. A little wise Chinese and artist on top. The guy is heavy, the illuminated kind which does not joke like Osho. And write this guy every day fucking day a quote. Suuuper wise words, deep, uplifting, liberating, what else … a real coffee for the soul if you read it in the morning!
Do you know how many like he gets?
Do you know how many friends and how many “fowlers” have?
Hundreds of thousands, all over the world!
And that man, continues to write every day a single quote. And I’ve realized his intention and I’m following, doing the same but in my special way! 🙂
He is doing it for him. He is doing it to be able to look in a mirror ,because he loves himself and loves everything is doing and everything that comes out of it. And the beautiful thing is that makes it public.
It’s like getting naked and looking in the mirror with audience. He’s vulnerable and sincere, and he shares this job with everyone.
Many laugh, many judge it, but … what do they know?
Who knows how to look, do not judge! You know why ?! Because he sees himself as in a mirror!
And, that’s a light, it’s not an example!
It’s like that thing, with the light … out of the light!
And not at the end of the tunnel, we’re not buried!
There’s a light out of the light …
But what do I know?
So, dear Mr. Satt, thank you!
And for that … I’m writing!
My childhood friend, “Fatty” Florin Ghinescu wants the same, to start writing. I do not know what’s going on with this universe, in our home everybody writes from the first to the last and they’re all crazy to do it.
Well, I decided to join with him and start another blog together, where we will undress our thoughts in a different style.
Well, “Fatty” have a word and he’s saying “fowlers” instead of followers and I really want to make for the first time a definition for this word, because it means something different from follower!
- FOWLER, -S /fäwlər/noun – The person who follows a person virtually, from boredom.
Suntem o familie extinsa foarte legata si unita, dar unita doar pe bucati si cu toate astea fericita! Asta este adevarul. Sora-mea este in concediu in Panama. In plus este si editorul meu in sensul in care-mi corecteaza toate expresiile pe care le-am scris si le-am comunicat pe acest blog. Imi trimite ea un mesaj si-mi spune: “Scrii prea greu!”
Cum adica prea greu?! Pai daca sora-mea n-a inteles, inseamna ca nimeni nu a inteles!
Urmaresc un om, pe Warrent Satt. Un chinez mic si intelept si artist pe deasupra. Mare omu’, greu rau, genul iluminat care nu face misto à la Osho. Scrie nenea asta cate o morala in fiecare zi. Misto nene! Misto rau, profunda, inaltatoare, eliberatoare, ce sa mai….. o adevarata cafea pentru suflet daca il citesti de dimineata!
Stiti cate like-uri are?
Cati prieteni si cati “faularsi” are?
Sute de mii, in toata lumea!
Si omul ala continua sa o faca. Si mi-am dat seama de ce o face si dáia nene fac si eu acum!
O face pentru el. O face sa se uite in oglinda, pentru ca se iubeste si iubeste tot ce face, tot ce iese din el.
Nu o face pentru like-uri, o face pentru eeeeeeeeel! Si cel mai misto e ca o face public. E ca si cum se dezbraca si se uita in oglinda public. E vulnerabil si sincer si imparte treaba asta cu toata lumea.
Multi rad, multi il judeca, dar… ce stiu ei?
Cine stie cum sa se uite, nu judeca! Stii de ce?! Pentru ca se vede pe el insusi, ca intr-o oglinda!
Si, e o lumina, nu e un exemplu!
E ca si treaba aia, cu lumina… din lumina!
Si nu de la capatul tunelului, ca nu suntem ingropati!
E o lumina din lumina…
Dar ce stiu eu!?
Asa ca, domnule Satt, iti multumesc!
Si, pentru asta… scriu!
Prietenul meu din copilarie, “Grasu” Florin Ghinescu isi doreste la fel, sa scrie. Nu stiu ce se intampla cu Universul asta, la noi acasa toata lumea scrie de la mic la mare si toti sunt innebuniti sa o faca. Ma rog, am decis ca eu impreuna cu prietenul meu Grasu sa ne expunem impreuna, intr-un alt stil. Vom scrie la inceput doar in romana dar cautam colaboratori, cu timp, sa ne traduca. Daca e! 🙂
Ei, bine, el are aceasta expresie cu “faularsi”. As vrea sa o explic dandu-i acum o definitie in premiera:
FAULĀR, FAULĀRSI, sm – Persoana care urmareste pe cineva virtual, din plictiseala.
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