
PARATY – 24 MAY 2019 – GET OUT

Go out in the evening, go out in the morning, go out for a coffee, go out for lunch, go out to town, go out in nature, go out with the dog, go out for work, go out to the market, go out with your friends, go out by yourself, but do go out.
My grandmother, Mimi, didn’t get out of the house for the last 25 years of her life. She died at 90.

I’ve never understood the saying “May God forgive them”. Forgiving implies that he would have been previously upset and I don’t think that God gets upset.
I was upset with Mimi. I didn’t forgive her because I didn’t need to anymore.

When your sorrow passes then you needn’t forgive. Forgiving can happen only when you are upset with somebody.

At least I’m like that.
Being upset means there is a gap between what you think and what is.

Or when reality doesn’t match your expectations.
I was watching some birds fighting over a piece of raw fish. It was harsh that they were fighting.

Of course, one won.

She swallowed it with a sharp move.

Then they flew together.

And I was left wondering if they left upset on each other, they mended it or they never quarreled at all.

Or they forgot?
Reality without projection.

Geese don’t have a brain, what do they know! 
The pictures have no connection with the story, but they are nice.

If you don’t like them, go out! 🙂



Iesi seara, iesi dimineata, iesi la cafea, iesi la pranz, iesi in oras, iesi in natura, iesi cu prietenii, iesi cu cainele, iesi la munca, iesi la piata, iesi singur dar iesi. 

Bunica mea, Mimi, nu a iesit din casa in ultimii 25 de ani. A murit la 90.

N-am inteles niciodata vorba Dumnezeu sa o ierte! Sa o ierte implica ca a fost suparat si nu cred ca Dumnezeu se supara. 

Eu am fost suparat pe Mimi. N-am iertat-o pentru ca nu a mai fost nevoie. Cand iti trece supararea, nu mai ai ce sa ierti. Iertarea este posibila numai cand esti suparat. Cel putin asa sunt eu. 

A fi suparat inseamna sa nu se potriveasca ce consideri cu ce este. Adica sa nu-ti dea exact proiectia pe realitate. 

Ma uitam la pasari cand se certau pe o bucatica de peste, crud. Crud este ca se certau!

Una l-a castigat, evident. 


L-a inghitit cu o miscare brusca. 

Dupa care, au plecat in zbor impreuna. 

M-am intrebat daca au plecat certate, s-au impacat sau nici macar nu s-au certat?

Sau au uitat?

Realitate fara proiectie. 

N-au minte, gastele!

Pozele n-au legatura cu textul dar sunt misto! 

Daca nu-ti plac, iesi!

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